SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: Skadiver13 on September 05, 2012, 12:02:09 pm

Title: He just wont resettle
Post by: Skadiver13 on September 05, 2012, 12:02:09 pm
Hello, sorry for posting again but we've got a new problem. I didn't think it could get worse with his reflux etc. but it has. Now on top of not eating he can't resettle after his 2am feeding. I have to hold him for 20min till he hits deep sleep (yes I know I'm AP) and then I'll put him down. He'll lasat maybe 20-30 minutes then he's up. I'll try reswaddling (he always struggles to get out which escilates to screaming) but I can't put him back down. I'll hold him for another 20 min put him down but he wakes right back up. It's as if he never hits deep sleep again so from 3pm-6pm i have to have him sleep on me which means I get NO sleep at all and he doesn't sleep well ether. I just don't know what to do. Here is my easy

E: 6am (he refuses to eat because of reflux so that's an issue) 1.50z-4oz depending on the day
S: 8
He usually sleeps 8-9:30. Will sometimes wake up at 35 min but I can usually resettle
S11:30(he has a harder time sometimes with this nap)
S: Down 2hrs later
E:5:30 top off due to reflux
S: 6-10
DF: 10
He wakes at 2 hungry then refuses to go back to sleep.

I just don't know what to do. He's on a recline for reflux and he's swaddled.
Title: Re: He just wont resettle
Post by: Erin M on September 06, 2012, 01:02:22 am
Hey sweetie, I'm going to get the reflux ladies to take a peek at this.  Really, don't feel bad about the AP right now, it's useless trying to sleep train a baby who is in pain.  :(
Title: Re: He just wont resettle
Post by: Skadiver13 on September 06, 2012, 01:10:27 am
I know but I don't know if this is reflux or if it's the 4th month regression. I can't keep this up and he refuses to sleep after 2am and I am so exhausted. Is it worth even a shot?
Title: Re: He just wont resettle
Post by: my3girlsjde on September 06, 2012, 04:46:42 am
Hugs sweetie

I did see your other post on CRC and I'm really thinking this is most likely reflux related.
Really, don't feel bad about the AP right now, it's useless trying to sleep train a baby who is in pain. 
This. If your lo is in any discomfort it's incredibly hard to get any sort of sleep training going on. This is the time to get sleep when you can and get your lo comfortable and eating properly and managing that reflux. Any chance of AP'ing a nap in a sling or in the car inclined in his seat?
Title: Re: He just wont resettle
Post by: becj86 on September 06, 2012, 10:33:13 am
The 4 month regression is related to sleep becoming more cyclical, so babies who were able to sleep 1.5-2hr in a row start waking after 40-45mins and need to be resettled back to sleep until they learn to get through that transition of light sleep.

What you're describing is that he's waking 20mins after you've put him down and that screams discomfort, not regression.

Some refluxers do have a period of time when the symptoms are worse and from what you've said here and in other posts, I'd say for your little guy, that's from 2am onwards and by the time that first nap comes around he's so exhausted he crashes and sleeps. Then once he's just that little bit more rested, he struggles to stay asleep for the next nap and the whole cycle starts again.

I'm sorry you're in this situation, sweetie, I really am. There is no type or amount of sleep training that is going to make your little guy sleep better til that reflux is under control. AP however you have to, to keep yourself sane and rested enough to keep going.

Hugs xx
Title: Re: He just wont resettle
Post by: Skadiver13 on September 06, 2012, 13:32:54 pm
I can't do a sling because he gets way too hot and he's so stimulated by his environment that he wont sleep anyway. And he hates the car seat.. I was able to shhh/pat him back to sleep twice last night but he's obviously still uncomfortable. I don't know what to do at this point. He spits out 1/2 his medicine no matter what I try so I don't think he's even getting enough. I'm so exhausted..
Title: Re: He just wont resettle
Post by: Erin M on September 06, 2012, 13:45:56 pm
Sweetie, have you asked about the medicine on the CRC board?  I am sure some btdt ladies might have some tips for you.  I'm so sorry things are so hard right now.  It is really hard to not sleep.