ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: noahgena on January 16, 2013, 03:30:41 am

Title: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: noahgena on January 16, 2013, 03:30:41 am

This might be a bit of a silly question but I'm wondering how a LO's age is calculated for EASY?  ie does 4 weeks mean 1 month so 16 weeks = 4 months, 20 weeks = 5 motnhs etc;  or is as per this link; or is it by birth date ie my DD was born on the 18th so is the 18 of each month the milestone?

My DD was born on 18 August 2012 so she was 20 weeks on the 5 Jan, if i go by the link she will be 5 months on the 19 Jan or if I go by birth date she will be 5 months on 18 Jan.  Hope I'm making sense?
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: jessmum46 on January 16, 2013, 08:55:54 am
It doesn't actually matter ;)  usually when people ask this they are wondering about what A times they should be doing - is that the case for you?  There is a guide here Average A times and "Is my baby ready to increase A time?". but remember it is just that - a guide.  There isn't a magic switch at 5 months that means LO can suddenly handle more A time than at 4 months - it is a continuous gradual process.  The right A time for your LO is the A time that gives you a good restorative nap of 1.5h or more.  Does that help?
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: noahgena on January 16, 2013, 10:47:53 am
I guess this is where I'm not sure if I have her A time right.  At the moment DD is at 2 hours A time but will often wake around the 60- 70 minute mark.  Sometimes she settle herself, sometimes I can settle her back to sleep right away and she'll do at total of 1.5h, other times it can take a few goes to settle her or she won't settle at all so it has me double-guessing what A time might be best?
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: jessmum46 on January 16, 2013, 11:16:11 am
Sounds like she may be in need of a touch more - I'd try 2h10 for a few days and see how you go :)
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: noahgena on January 16, 2013, 22:30:10 pm
Thanks for the advice.  I'll give it a try for a few days and see how we go  :)
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: *Kara* on January 17, 2013, 00:23:49 am
is as per this link;

Not at all related to this hun... BabyWise is not BabyWhisperer.

I would just use months based on her birthdate to figure her age ;)  So born Jan 1st would be 4 months old on May 1st.
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: noahgena on January 20, 2013, 21:36:47 pm
Thanks jessmum46!  That extra 10 minutes has made all the difference and most of her naps have been much better with her making if past the 60-70 minute mark and doing a good 1.5hrs (most of the time  ;))
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: *Kara* on January 20, 2013, 22:01:12 pm
Wonderful news!
Title: Re: How do you calculate a LO's age?
Post by: jessmum46 on January 21, 2013, 08:20:38 am
Yay ;D