EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: Violet's mom on September 22, 2013, 19:02:50 pm

Title: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: Violet's mom on September 22, 2013, 19:02:50 pm
My 8 month old is in the mist of a nursing strike, I feel like it may be teething since she has no teeth yet and hasn't been sleeping great (not going right back to sleep anymore after a night feed, waking in the middle of naps) .  She is not eating solids.  She last nursed about 6 hrs ago which is unusual as she nurses every 2 to 3 hrs.  I'm due for AF yesterday ( have had it since she was 2 months) incredibly fussy and tylonel does not help.

Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: *Ali* on September 22, 2013, 19:09:58 pm
Have you checked out our FAQ on dealing with a nursing strike?
Is my baby weaning or is it a nursing strike?

Does she take a bottle or sippy?
Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: Fiver on September 22, 2013, 19:13:08 pm
Lots of tips for nursing strikes here  - Is my baby weaning or is it a nursing strike?

When you say she's not eating solids, do you mean in general or just today?  If it's just today, could she perhaps be feeling unwell alongside any possible teething that might be happening?

Posted with Ali - great minds ;)
Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: Violet's mom on September 22, 2013, 20:01:10 pm
In general she won't take solids.  Doesn't really take a sippy consistently yet, and never took a bottle.  So i dont think she is weaning.  On a side note, my nipples are incredibly sore and only really bothered me the first couple of months of AF (started when she was2 months - lucky me).  I got her to nurse in her sleep just now during her pm nap...
Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: *Ali* on September 22, 2013, 20:03:55 pm
Sounds like AF might be affecting the taste or supply perhaps?
Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: Violet's mom on September 22, 2013, 20:05:03 pm
That's what I thought - haven't gotten it yet - but is it unusual that this hasn't happened before since I have had 6?
Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: *Ali* on September 22, 2013, 20:07:42 pm
Hmm, I honestly don't know. Sorry. Maybe just coincidence with AF then.

Could just be teeth?
Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: Fiver on September 22, 2013, 20:22:49 pm
Could it be thrush, maybe?  Would explain her reluctance to feed and the sore nipples. - Thrush
Title: Re: Help! 8 month old wont breastfeed!
Post by: Violet's mom on September 22, 2013, 22:27:17 pm
Thanks I will check it out - don't really have any of the other thrush symptoms...