EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: cuckoochick on January 14, 2014, 10:05:10 am

Title: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: cuckoochick on January 14, 2014, 10:05:10 am
I've been vomiting since 4:30Am and feel terrible. G wanted to feed at 5am and I've just tired feeding her now but don't seem to be getting a letdown of milk and she's getting frustrated, biting and coming off.

Is this normal? What do I do? She won't feed lying down and sitting up makes me feel very nauseous and room spinny but I've been trying to feed her upright. any tips?

Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: <Catherine> on January 14, 2014, 10:09:05 am
You've been wondering if she's been teething haven't you? Ben is like this when feeding when his teeth are bothering him, like he can't get latched and sucking and is frustrated. He bites down too.

Also when he's refluxy.

Hugs my lovely xxx
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: Buttonbobs on January 14, 2014, 10:10:18 am
Sorry I don't have any real tips as I didn't BF for long, but couldn't read and not send ((hugs)) and get well soon vibes. I would imagine that it is fairly normal when really ill for your body to retain what it needs to keep you going first and not produce milk until you stop being dehydrated and poorly.

Can you offer her a bottle of expressed BM or formula after each feed when you feel she's not getting enough (not sure which way you're going when you're starting work) so G is ok and then re-start feeding when you're well enough again. I'm sure others will have better tips.

Are you on your own today hun, or can you get some help so you can sleep and get well quicker?
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: cuckoochick on January 14, 2014, 10:27:58 am
DH is home hopefully as he's meant to work late. I can't get out of bed as just feel so awful. Head pounding, stomach cramps and feeling so nauseous.

She's been trying to get milk but it just doesn't seem to be coming or not fast enough at least. She's had 3oz of formula from a bottle but as I'm lying upstairs all I can hear is her whinging.

Will I lose my supply if I don't feed her?
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: Buttonbobs on January 14, 2014, 10:53:50 am
She's had 3oz of formula from a bottle but as I'm lying upstairs all I can hear is her whinging.

This is good. She may be a little hungry today but I imaging she'll be whinging mainly because she can sense something is not right. The best thing you can do for her is look after yourself and get well and she'll get you back quicker.

I don't know a definite answer to your other question about supply. My instinct would be that by this age supply is not affected so much by demand (at least immediately anyway) and as long as you feed her once your well again it will pick up again fine. Your body is trying to tell you something. If you're really worried and want to let her suck anyway you could do this as long as she doesn't find it too frustrating and you're not too concerned about her catching your bug.

I'm sure something with actual BF knowledge will come by soon xxx
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: anna* on January 14, 2014, 10:55:48 am
You won't lose your supply over a 24 hr bug. ((((hugs))) and get well soon vibes!
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: cath~ on January 14, 2014, 10:57:55 am
((Hugs)) Hun that sounds rotten :(

When L was about 5 mos I had horrible vomiting bug for about 3 days and my supply really dropped whilst I was ill. Once I was over it it bounced right back again so don't worry about that. I kept offering bfs because whatever L could get would help give her immunity against my bug (this is what I read was recommended too). So I'd keep offering to G as much as you can and of course top her up with other drink/food if it's not enough.

Try to drink plenty and eat as much as you can (little and often is usually easiest).

((Hugs)) hope you feel better soon :-*

Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on January 14, 2014, 13:01:29 pm
(((Hugs))) and healing vibes....sorry no practical experience here!
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: cuckoochick on January 14, 2014, 13:48:41 pm
Thanks ladies. She took a big feed about an hour ago. I'd not fed her in around 10hrs and I could feel all the milk in my ducts. My boobs feel nice and soft again now. She's had some formula this morning but was clearly missing her boob so she is now less grumpy too. Sitting upright just makes me feel so unwell and she will not feed lying down.

I've just had some dry toast and a cup of tea so fingers crossed they stay down. I'm totally wiped
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: *Ali* on January 14, 2014, 13:49:22 pm
Hugs. Make sure you aren't getting dehydrated.  If you are perhaps some hydration salts would help.
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: C_mother on January 14, 2014, 17:17:57 pm
Just got over two stomach bugs and both times my supply dipped terribly while I was sick, but came back quickly. If you can keep down liquids, that should really help. I also had to try to keep DD working for the let down because they were really slow. hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: *Ali* on January 14, 2014, 21:06:57 pm
Have you tried breast compressions?
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: Proud Mammy on January 14, 2014, 21:53:27 pm
Ugh, ((((hugs)))) and get well soon vibes.
I've been there, done that  :P Just before Christmas, I ended up with a bug. I was WIPED  by day 3 of no food staying in my system and feeding Little Man. Drinks such as dioralyte (sp?? Hydrating salts and electrolytes) and even flat 7up heated in the microwave helped when my body could manage it. Also, when my body could take it on day 3, I had wheetBix with lots of hot milk so it was almost like soup and that helped to bring me back. I felt like I was going to pass out after 3 days running below empty and feeding throughout.
My supply wasn't affected - it seemed like Little Man got ALL he needed & I was the one left deficient.

Hoping you're feeling back to yourself really soon.
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: Buttonbobs on January 15, 2014, 11:50:30 am
Hope you're feeling a bit better today Nicola xxx
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: cuckoochick on January 15, 2014, 21:50:02 pm
Thank you. I'm much better than I was. Still wiped and now a horrible sore throat but no more sickness and supply seems fine as G has fed fine.

Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: cath~ on January 16, 2014, 11:31:55 am
Hugs Hun

Pleased your supply seems fine

Hope you're feeling better today :-*
Title: Re: I've got a sickness bug and G doesn't seem to be getting any milk
Post by: cuckoochick on January 16, 2014, 12:59:09 pm
Yes I finally have an appetite back but am having constant hunger pangs so maybe it is still slightly a bit of a funny tummy. Tired after a disturbed night but feeling better.

Thanks :-*