ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: vbp13 on April 30, 2014, 07:20:43 am

Title: EBF...good EASY routine? 5 hour block of sleep in night :-)
Post by: vbp13 on April 30, 2014, 07:20:43 am
Well lactation consultant came yesterday to check on latch etc , turns out I should be letting her fall off the boob then offer the second. She is putting on 1lb a week so obv getting enough but lc said more she has in day helps at night......

So last night she slept 5 hours then 3 then 2.5 hour blocks.....REVELATION!

My night routine was as follows (she was 4 weeks 1 day old yesterday):

Tue 29/4 night
Cluster fed in eve
E 8.35
S 8.50
E 1.45 inc bum
S 2.20
E 4.45
S 5.00
E 7.30

What do you think?
Title: Re: EBF...good EASY routine? 5 hour block of sleep in night :-)
Post by: jessmum46 on April 30, 2014, 08:14:11 am
Sounds like she's doing just great :) one slightly longer stretch and then back to normal feed intervals ie 2.5-3h is exactly what she 'should' be doing.  Did you have any specific questions we could help with?