SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: liten_emma on October 07, 2014, 16:09:58 pm

Title: 4,5 months refuses the last nap
Post by: liten_emma on October 07, 2014, 16:09:58 pm
Hi! I'm a newbie at EASY.  My daughter refuses to sleep the last nap or the cat nap to be exact.  She is super tired. My easy schedule looks like this
E 0730
A 0800
S 0930 (usually puts her in her cot at 0910 has a long WD)

E 1130
A 1150
S 1330 usually sleeps until 15, 1510

E 1530
A 1545
S 1730  . She never sleeps here. Just protest or cry angry cries from 1710 ( tried long WD) until 1815 when we finishes.. Have tried shush/pat pu/pd. Nothing works. Got her to sleep for 30 minutes one time by putting her on her tummy. Help please!

Title: Re: 4,5 months refuses the last nap
Post by: MarsMomma on October 07, 2014, 21:00:35 pm
I'm going through the very same thing with my son. He is 18 weeks. Maybe it's a developmental thing. If you figure it out, let me know...
Title: Re: 4,5 months refuses the last nap
Post by: weaver on October 10, 2014, 19:41:06 pm
Hi there, sorry you've had no advice on this for a few days.

You say you're new to EASY - so has she ever done a CN at that time? How does she go down at BT?  Waking in the first hour or so after BT would be a classic sign of OT, for instance.  Average A is 1 hr 45 -2 hrs at this age - so she is at the top end of A times.  Perhaps she really doesn't want to sleep at this point? She will be shaping up to drop it by about 6 mos anyway.

TBH at this age I APOPd that CN with both of mine, knowing that I would be dropping it.  With LO1, we got to snuggle up together in bed and have a sleepy feed (that was lovely :) ) and with LO2 she would have a short snooze either in the sling or in the buggy.  I didn't worry too much about how long it was, and they just took a brief snooze to tide them over to BT.