SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: liten_emma on October 07, 2014, 16:09:58 pm
Hi! I'm a newbie at EASY. My daughter refuses to sleep the last nap or the cat nap to be exact. She is super tired. My easy schedule looks like this
E 0730
A 0800
S 0930 (usually puts her in her cot at 0910 has a long WD)
E 1130
A 1150
S 1330 usually sleeps until 15, 1510
E 1530
A 1545
S 1730 . She never sleeps here. Just protest or cry angry cries from 1710 ( tried long WD) until 1815 when we finishes.. Have tried shush/pat pu/pd. Nothing works. Got her to sleep for 30 minutes one time by putting her on her tummy. Help please!
I'm going through the very same thing with my son. He is 18 weeks. Maybe it's a developmental thing. If you figure it out, let me know...
Hi there, sorry you've had no advice on this for a few days.
You say you're new to EASY - so has she ever done a CN at that time? How does she go down at BT? Waking in the first hour or so after BT would be a classic sign of OT, for instance. Average A is 1 hr 45 -2 hrs at this age - so she is at the top end of A times. Perhaps she really doesn't want to sleep at this point? She will be shaping up to drop it by about 6 mos anyway.
TBH at this age I APOPd that CN with both of mine, knowing that I would be dropping it. With LO1, we got to snuggle up together in bed and have a sleepy feed (that was lovely :) ) and with LO2 she would have a short snooze either in the sling or in the buggy. I didn't worry too much about how long it was, and they just took a brief snooze to tide them over to BT.