SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: goldmom on January 07, 2015, 20:11:50 pm

Title: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: goldmom on January 07, 2015, 20:11:50 pm
I’m trying to see if there is a correlation between pacifier/thumb sucking and nap dropping. So when did your lo(s) drop the nap and did they use a pacifier/thumb until then? If they used a pacifier/thumb, did weaning it end the nap? Any info you have that may shed more light on this topic would help! If your child is also lsn or hsn and was/wasn’t a sucker, that would also be interesting to know.
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: goldmom on January 07, 2015, 20:14:29 pm
DS1 uses a pacifier; he is now 3 years 1 month and still takes a nap most days (but increasingly skips it more and more often). As a nb he was a very alert baby, but became a good/independent napper with bw methods and kept 2 naps until 16 months, and until 2.5 yo he consistently took a nap and went down easily (but then he joined a larger group setting during nap times and started occasionally skipping it, but more often now than then).
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on January 07, 2015, 20:44:45 pm
DD1 was  2 yrs 4 months when we ditched the soother and I stopped her nap at 2.5 years just to keep her bedtime in line with DD2's.

DD2 was a thumbsucker, stopped napping around 3/3.5 but sucked her thumb until 5.5 (stopped on her own due to a loose tooth).

DD3 has a soother and I imagine will nap drop super early as she is lsn so will most likely do that before the soother goes.
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: Emami on January 07, 2015, 20:53:11 pm
My DD1 was not a thumb or pacifier sucker so don't know about any correlation there, but dropping the nap was a loooong (but fairly painless) process. She started skipping it occasionally right around her second birthday but still napped most days until 2.5. Then it was less and less frequent with naps only here and there if she was particularly grumpy or had an early start.  Her final nap was at 3yrs 1month and I swore never again as she didn't go to sleep for the night until 11pm!
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: Lolly on January 07, 2015, 21:06:42 pm
DD had a paci, dropped her nap by 2.5 and we ditched the paci just after she turned 3. DS had a paci until 4 months and we stopped his nap just before 3 as he was starting school in the afternoons. No links for us!

Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: *Ali* on January 07, 2015, 21:10:16 pm
DS1 never sucked his thumb or had a soother. He sucked a blankie to sleep from about 4mo. He still has it now at 5yo but hasn't sucked if for years. He dropped the nap completely at 2.5yo and did 13.5hr nights. He is high sleep needs. We dropped the nap because he moved to a BBB and wouldn't stay in it.

DS2 never sucked his thumb but had a soother for sleep until he lost interest in it at 7mo. He dropped the nap completely just before he turned 3yo but had been having a couple no nap days a week for several months before that. He only ever really did 12-12.5hr nights on a regular basis. He was always quite low sleep needs. He dropped the nap because it suited us better to have a longer night that tied in with DS1's BT and WU and to be able to get out in the days during the summer holidays. He never refused naps and I normally had to wake him from them when he did take them towards the end.
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: Hedgehog17 on January 08, 2015, 09:50:37 am
DS had a paci from NB (to help with reflux), found his thumb at 3mo, then switched to 2 fingers at about 8mo. Last summer before his birthday we talked about stopping sucking his fingers, as he was making them really bad with eczema :( He agreed and wore scratch mitts to bed (naps & night) and stopped sucking them before his 4th birthday  ;D The scratch mitts were only needed for a few weeks  :)

He was nap dropping gradually for about 6 months before that, and took his last nap the day before his 4th birthday  :) He's always been HSN, although recently he's being a monkey at BT and having NW (bad dreams) so sleep is a bit disrupted (for all of us  ::) )
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: creations on January 08, 2015, 10:58:04 am
No sucking here, not thumb, not fingers, not paci, not lovey, just wasn't a sucker.
BBB made no difference to his nap.
He stopped napping at 2.5 (well, 31 months)

Although he appeared to be on the lower end of sleep needs he continued to nap far longer than many LOs I know IRL who stopped at 2yo or even earlier!  With DS it wasn't so much he needed *more* sleep than others but he needed it spread out into nap and night rather than all at night.
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: ~*Nicole*~ on January 08, 2015, 11:50:55 am
DD was a paci user, but we ditched it near 1 year old and she napped until a few months past 2. She still needed a nap but would refuse to take one. We transitioned with some late naps or car naps to get through the tough, grumpy ends of our days.

DS was not a thumb or paci sucker and is still napping at preschool daily. He sometimes naps for us at home but most often refuses. He will almost always fall asleep in the car midday though so clearly still needs a nap.
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: anna* on January 08, 2015, 12:06:33 pm
Stan didn't have a paci and dropped the nap when he turned 3.
Audrey did (still does) and dropped hers at 26 months.
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: zeri on January 08, 2015, 14:31:56 pm
DD (6) sucked her thumb until a couple months ago, and she dropped her last nap at 3. DS (4) has never sucked his thumb and dropped the paci at 2, but still naps in the afternoon.
Title: Re: When did your LO stop napping?
Post by: barbaraz78 on January 09, 2015, 13:46:52 pm
DS dropped the paci at 3 yo and fully stop napping at 3.5 yo. He never had long nights but was always on 10.5-11 h nights, so he needed nap a bit longer to compensate.