EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: cath~ on January 21, 2015, 11:32:41 am

Title: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: cath~ on January 21, 2015, 11:32:41 am
As a drink I mean, perhaps to get lo used to it and to give you the option of switching later on?

H has 3 BFs during the day ATM, at wu, around 11am (she naps around 12 and has lunch after nap) and at BT (she also still feeds during the night).  I'm thinking of dropping the 11 am bf but she'd still be left with 2 BFs + NFs so she wouldn't need more milk.  But I wondered about giving cows milk to her with her snack and/or at breakfast time as a drink, just to get her used to it.  Has anyone else done this?  Or would that be too much milk??
Title: Re: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: katie80 on January 21, 2015, 15:51:34 pm
Does she eat solids well? G was getting 3BFs a day at around 12mo... an early morning (a NF, really :P), lunchtime, and bedtime. I did start offering milk along with water at meals during the day, because he ate solids well and I wanted him to get used to it. Honestly, he didn't drink much of it though... I think they're still pretty good at self-regulating. I dropped the lunch time feed around 13mo and stopped BFing at 16mo, but he didn't really drink much milk until 18mo-2yr. I don't know if it was a taste thing or if he just didn't need it.

Charlie doesn't eat a ton of solids (still need to get rid of 2 NFs ::)) and still has 4BFs a day, so until I get rid of some of those, I won't offer any cow's milk, as he certainly doesn't need it.
Title: Re: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: lily_layne on January 21, 2015, 17:40:53 pm
I did introduce cow's milk with DD when she was still BFing at 12 months. I think I usually gave her a small glass with her lunch.
Title: Re: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: Florena49 on January 21, 2015, 18:19:06 pm
So did we, in small quantities as a drink with a meal. We have just weaned altogether at 1.3 and now only drinking cows milk before bed and first thing in the morn out of a bottle.
Title: Re: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: ~*~Little Miss Sunshine~*~ on January 21, 2015, 18:30:12 pm
Yes in fact I just started about 3 weeks ago.  We dropped the afternoon feed so he gets a cup of milk with his lunch and snack (though he only drinks a couple of ounces).  He still has 3 bfs per day and eats solids pretty well.  He isn't' as interested in BFing anymore, my supply is suffering and I want to make sure he has an alternative in case we are done soon!! TBH, I have introduced cows milk to all of my kids around 12 months and only my oldest still drinks it.  My other ones don't much care for it!
Title: Re: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: okinawamama on January 21, 2015, 19:18:39 pm
We did as well. I introduced it in a sippy cup around a year, and he didn't take a whole lot, but I always offered at meal times.
Title: Re: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: *Ali* on January 21, 2015, 20:26:32 pm
With cadan I didn't and he was much older when he started drinking cows milk.  I'm not sure why really.

With colby he would ask for cows milk in a cup when he saw cadan having it sometimes so it was just now and then on demand rather than part of the routine.
Title: Re: If you were still bfing at 12 mo, did you also introduce cows milk?
Post by: cath~ on January 22, 2015, 07:23:58 am
Thank you everyone.

I think I'll start by offering her some to drink with her breakfast and see how it goes.

Katie - she's not bad with solids, providing she's not teething and it's something she likes! (Which is quite a few things, just not quite everything I offer her).