ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: babyrose on January 01, 2016, 20:17:41 pm

Title: Routine tweak needed!
Post by: babyrose on January 01, 2016, 20:17:41 pm
It's just Lewis this time. We were doing  30mins c/not in the car whilst they were going through 2-1 and then 1.5 in the afternoon but I decided just to go with one nap as they both have done  so well. Anyway we are now on

13:00 sleep 2hrs
19:30 b/time (no nw's)
This was going great for both then Lewis is cutting his front teeth and was so tired he was just sleeping even chance he could up till now. Now nap waking round 1hr 1/15 and absolutely  refusing 19:30 b/time.

This is now our forth night, first night took 1hr and as the nights went on it got easier cos I'm assuming  he's undertired and now b/time is 20:30 but he still isn't happy as soon as I go to the room he has a melt down and I'm having to stay with him until he's settled which is not like him at all. He'said also very clingy during the day.

Where should we go from here?

Title: Re: Routine tweak needed!
Post by: Martini~ on January 02, 2016, 14:52:47 pm
Have you considered him being OT? And try for once 7pm bedtime as a catch up? We also have bt refusal during teething. Was he always lsn? My son went for one nap at 1yo roughly but stayed on 2h nap till 18mo and now at 22mo is doing doing 1-1:15 and still 12h night (less as he is an IS so takes time to settle and lies there in the morning). So what I mean is that with 1:15 consistent nap and 13h day he really should be tired...
Title: Re: Routine tweak needed!
Post by: babyrose on January 03, 2016, 07:57:35 am

It's definetly a possibility that he's OT, I will certainly try an earlier b/time. Yeah pretty much been STTN with the  phase of EW but overall they both are fantastic sleepers.

His teeth are just about to break the gum hopefully it will be over for him soon.