EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: Mandy.kamal on May 16, 2016, 12:29:23 pm

Title: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: Mandy.kamal on May 16, 2016, 12:29:23 pm
Is this normal? Most moms say their LO is sleeping a long stretch at night now but mine isn't. Is this still normal? I'm feeding her as much as she will take during the day. The only issue is I'm bone dry towards the evening and last feed for the night. Maybe she's not going to bed completely full.

Also, my supply seems low but I think it's because she's going through a growth spurt and keeping me drained. Have any of you noticed if your LOs growth spurt happened around their birth date or their due date. Mine was just a week early but I feel like she's having one now (which would be her estimated due date to the day!) vs the day she was born

Trying to pump to increase my supply some for her. What's the average amount in ounces a 3 month old drinks?
Title: Re: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: Scottishmummy on May 17, 2016, 19:11:42 pm
Hi Mandy!

I remember thinking and posting that we were on 3hr feeds around the clock at about the same age...and until at least 4-5 months ..(.sorry) but yes I think it is normal for some BF babies.  It's also normal to have less milk in the evening but doesn't mean there is a problem with supply.

Is she gaining weight ok and getting enough wet and dirty nappies? If so then your supply is fine and should regulate itself to meet her needs without needing to pump to increase it.

Out of interest, is she a big baby? I only ask because my DD is above average length and weight and does seem to take more milk and need more than my DS did (who was a much smaller baby).
Title: Re: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: Mandy.kamal on May 17, 2016, 23:30:53 pm
Thank you for the reply!! I'm okay with it as long as it's 'normal' and I'm not setting her up for NWs when she really doesn't need to eat.

Yes she is a little bigger length and weight. She has silent reflux but I just took her off meds today because of some bad side effects. So things may be a bit worse for awhile.

I had an oversupply for almost the first 2 months so not feeling full keeps tricking me into not thinking I have enough. And she's so fussy while eating and tense that it makes me think that too. But yes, plenty of wet and about one a day soil so I know she's getting plenty. Plus she's got a lot of leg rolls!!

All just a guessing game trying to figure these wee ones out when they aren't content
Title: Re: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: Scottishmummy on May 18, 2016, 19:55:30 pm
So true!

I think breasts do feel less full after a while and go down in size but still produce all the milk the LO needs.  Sounds like she's getting plenty  :).

I don't know much about reflux, do you think that could be causing the fussing and tension?
Title: Re: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: Mandy.kamal on May 18, 2016, 20:39:34 pm
Yes I do think her reflux is a main issue. We just can't get meds right so that's why I've decided to take her off them to see how she does and then see what to do next.

I just miss sleep!!!
Title: Re: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: Scottishmummy on May 19, 2016, 17:54:28 pm
Yes, me too!
Title: Re: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: *Ali* on May 19, 2016, 21:56:38 pm
Yes it can be normal. Might be related to your storage capacity. It's not a problem it just means she'll feed often. You can still drink as much from a small glass as you can from a big glass, you just need to refill it more often.  It's normal to have lower supply and soft breasts in the evening. It doesn't indicate a problem.

Average breast milk intake for a 3mo is 25oz in 24hrs. If she has 8-12 feeds that is 2-3oz per feed. The normal range can be anything from 19oz to 30oz though.
Title: Re: 3 month old- still 3 hour nursing round the clock
Post by: Mandy.kamal on May 20, 2016, 00:08:12 am
Thank you so much!

I have been topping her off before naps and we still cluster feed in the evenings (smaller nursing sessions though) she doesn't nurse a lot her last feeding it seems. But I pump and have my husband dreamfeed. Sometimes up to 5 ounces. She still wakes 3/3.5 hours later and acts starving. Usually it's around 2:30am and then sometimes I feed her again at 5:30/6:00am which is tough because it's so close to 7:00am wake up.

As long as that's still relatively normal then I can just continue on. I just didn't want to keep nursing her that often at nights if she doesn't need it