EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: Skadiver13 on July 15, 2016, 22:23:03 pm

Title: 11 week old refusing to nurse or being super fussy
Post by: Skadiver13 on July 15, 2016, 22:23:03 pm
Hi all, we've luckily not had any BF issues this go round but since yesterday LO 11 weeks old has decided she is going to be super fussy when i try to feed her. She does not have any reliable hunger cues at all so I have to often watch the clock. Lately it's been 2-2.5hrs but today she's gone 3 and 4hrs and if I even remotely try and feed her she fusses and even when I get her to latch she only eats about 8 min. It's 630 she ate at 3pm I tried to feed her around 545 because she was acting super fussy spitting out her pacifier etc and she pitched a fit. I ended up putting her in the swing and fell asleep for a  nap.. What is going on? She can't possibly not be hungry?
Title: Re: 11 week old refusing to nurse or being super fussy
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on July 18, 2016, 04:40:20 am
Has it gotten any better in the last couple of days? With my DD1 8 min was a full feed so possibly she is just getting more efficient at feeding.
Title: Re: 11 week old refusing to nurse or being super fussy
Post by: zissi on July 24, 2016, 20:56:38 pm
any tongue tie possible? you said this time BF is going well, what was the issue with the others? TT often affects all babies in the family... so maybe your LO has TT? my second was like this. I had to force her to feed, except at night time...
Title: Re: 11 week old refusing to nurse or being super fussy
Post by: Skadiver13 on July 24, 2016, 23:06:59 pm
Hi all, thanks for your words everything's fine now. She's evened out and gotten to around 8 to 10 minutes on one side per feeding that's just her way she's eating around 2 and a half to every 3 hours so I think that's normal. I think she was just going through a spat.