SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: luv2savelives on August 31, 2005, 18:59:13 pm
Help! All of the sudden this week my 2 1/2 yr old refuses to nap despite the fact that at her usual naptime she is fussing and crabby. She is going to bed at 9, waking at 7:30ish and usually goes down between 12:30 and 1:30 depending on her mood. Now when I put her in her room she just plays for up to 2 hours on matter how many times I go in and put her back in her bed and tell her naptime. Anybody go through this and fix it??
Definitely have been through this and still go through it sometimes. We just stick to our routine and keep putting him down for his nap. sometimes he just plays the whole time but we consider it "quiet time" so just leave it at that.
Is she in her own bed and keeps getting out? Could she be teething?
Yep - right there with you :roll:
DD was 2 in May and mostdays will nap but for some reason, on others she will not.
I can't figure out what's different on these days when she naps and when she doesn't.
The other thing is that at bedtime, she's been taking AGES to go to sleep and has started to call us back upstairs (see my other post!)
Now, DD IS teething, 2 in the bottom, but don't seem to be bothering her, and they've only since yesterday poked through a tiny little bit - this week now, she seems perpetualy (sorry, can't spell!) tired, so have had no probs this week ................yet!!
Sorry no useful suggestions - just a {{HUG}}
she is in her own bed (since 15mos) and just gets out and reads books, plays with toys. I have been known to clear out every thing from her room but her bed and that works sometimes except I can't move through the hallway! Teething-not sure. I know she's due anytime for her 2 yr molars but she doesn't complain and I can't see anything. I guess it's just wierd to me that she is obviously tired(crying, fussing) but when I put her in bed she doesn't go to sleep. Usually she drifts off without a peep. Oh these kids of ours!!
We are going through this too. john has been sleeping about every other day now. But I insist he stay in his room during what would be his nap time. I figure quiet time counts. I have started moving his nap time a little later than it was. He was going down around 1 now it's closer to 2. That has seemed to help.