SLEEP => General Sleep Issues => Topic started by: JKHH on September 24, 2005, 14:22:45 pm

Title: Success story...
Post by: JKHH on September 24, 2005, 14:22:45 pm
When my daughter Kay was a few weeks old I started coming to this forum for help. At the time, Kay was crying a lot and unable to settle. Things were going pretty well and then turned to awful when she turned 6 weeks. We had two weeks of pure chaos...then from 8 weeks on we have been on a great routine.

Things have been going well but Kay cried EVERY time I put her down for a nap or at bedtime. Sometimes she cried a little, but for weeks it was an awful get wrenching cry that broke my heart. I thought this would go on forever. I started to get despondent.

Slowly a few weeks ago Kay started to go down without crying :D Just once here and there. Then it happened a few times a day. Yesterday she went down at every nap and at night with no crying!!!! I was so happy I wanted to celebrate. I get emotional just thinking of how far we have come and how proud I am of her.

I have learned not to get to comfortable in our routine as there is always something that is about to change...but for today I feel content and very blessed.

I want to give a big thank you to those of you who have helped us get to this point.

Title: Success story...
Post by: kellyhushhh on September 24, 2005, 16:41:47 pm
Ahhhh Janet that is so sweet, i know how you feel. I get days where i feel so happy and content, and its all because of the help we get from the great ladies on this website :)

Like you say try not to get too comfortable as something always changes.!!

Everything you said was everything i was thinking today.

Kelly xx

P.s Your baby is so cute!
Title: Success story...
Post by: GG on September 25, 2005, 03:59:52 am
Janet, that's great!  Let's hope it continues for some time!!  :-)

I like your attitude!  You are happy and proud of your lo but cautious (which is very realistic with babies!).  *lol*  I second the cuteness factor of your dd!
Title: Success story...
Post by: JKHH on September 26, 2005, 00:09:30 am
Thank you both very much!
Title: Success story...
Post by: Ennypen on September 26, 2005, 11:16:11 am
I feel pretty much the same about this forum.

Although I havent posted specifically about my son and sleeping,  just reading all of the other posts and replies has made me a much calmer and knowledgable mommy when it came to helping him to learn to sleep.

He is now drifting off for sleep and naps fairly effortlessly and happily around 90 % of the time and he is more and more able to settle himself when he wakes up.

Thank you everyone xxx