SLEEP => General Sleep Issues => Topic started by: GraysonsMommy on October 02, 2005, 20:01:43 pm

Title: Dream Feed - Is this right?
Post by: GraysonsMommy on October 02, 2005, 20:01:43 pm
When we first started doing the DF, our son would sleep through the whole experience.  We started doing it at 11:30, but then I red in Tracy Hogg's book that it should be no later than 11:00, otherwise the baby sees it as a night waking.  So we moved it up to 10:45-11:00 about 5 days ago.  Suddenly Grayson has started waking between 10:00 and 10:30 crying for the bottle.  Does this negate the whole point of the dream feed or is it ok for him to wake for it?  I thought we were supposed to do it while he slept, hence the term "dream" feed.  I just wondered if it creates any additional habits or issues like this.  Is it perhaps a sign that we should move it up?  I'm afraid to move it up too soon, because then he might start waking earlier in the morning.  He already wakes at 5am most days.  His bedtime feed is normally 6:45-7:15pm. 

Title: Dream Feed - Is this right?
Post by: GraysonsMommy on October 03, 2005, 12:18:49 pm
Title: Dream Feed - Is this right?
Post by: Maddy's Mum on October 03, 2005, 19:18:10 pm
Hi there - can you post DS EASY routine with naps/feeds so we can have a look at what his day looks like?

Title: Dream Feed - Is this right?
Post by: GraysonsMommy on October 03, 2005, 21:11:04 pm
Yes, thanks!  He has recently started to wake at 5:30am and plays in his crib until we get him at about 6-6:15.  This is confusing his naps now, because he's ready for one by 7:30 with such an earl wake time.  So the past few days have been even more confusing, but below was the schedule up until this started.  With our recent changes in the schedule, we are having two shorter naps before the afternoon nap.  It seems to be working, but our EASY is out the window slightly.  I need to get him back on track somehow.

Anyhoo, this is where we WERE:

E - 7am
A - usually quiet time, in crib with mobile or on floor/couch with mommy
S - 8-10am+/-

E - 11 or 12pm
A - sometimes running errands or in his jumperoo and on floor
S - 12-1:30pm+/-

E - 3:30 or 4pm
A - take a walk or play with mommy, sometimes go out
S - Right after last feed usually 3:30 or 4pm  (we change diaper and sit up before going into sleepy time routine)

E - 7pm
A - before his 7pm feed - in vibrating chair or highchair at dinner with mommy and daddy, sometimes a bath which actually seems to overstimulate him
S - 7:15pm

10:45 - DF to finish remaining calories for the day.

I know we sometimes end up with a little bit of an ESA toward the end of the day sometimes, but this is because he has been needing to go 5 hours between his first and second feeds.  He's just not hungry enough in four hours anymore.  What happens is he starts snacking, if I force it, so I wait for his cues.  He's usually taking 7 ounces per feeding, but lately his morning or second feeding is only about 4 ounces.  The rest are 7 with any luck.  I don't mind the schedule shifting a little toward the end of the day, he is usually pretty good about going down for his naps.  I never had to worry about him needing to eat in order to sleep, BUT he is very anxious and restless a lot of the time, even when we keep things really low key, so we have a routine that we follow before every nap and at night before bed.  We go into the room at least 15-20 minutes early, turn on his lullaby CD, pull down the shades, have a change, and then sit and rock a bit in the glider (with him facing out so there is no eye contact - he watches his ceiling fan), then when he fusses, usually 2-4 minutes later, I put him on my shoulder, hold him another minute (standing up and still), I tell him I love him and night, night, give him a kiss and put him down.  He usually needs to still let out some energy for a while, so I leave (sh-pat doesn't work yet, he fights me) for typically about 15 minutes during the day, at night he sleeps right away....and when he's ready, he fusses a bit so I go back in, reposition him (he's usually sideways or at the bottom of the crib) and put him back to his side.  Then I usually only need to sh-pat him for a few seconds before he calms enough to sleep.  Some days it's easier some it's harder. 

So what do you think?

Title: Dream Feed - Is this right?
Post by: Maddy's Mum on October 04, 2005, 02:27:55 am
Hi there,

Quote (selected)
He's usually taking 7 ounces per feeding, but lately his morning or second feeding is only about 4 ounces. The rest are 7 with any luck.

Has DS started to take less during the day since you started to implement DF at 10.30? But overall is his milk intake the same?

Title: Dream Feed - Is this right?
Post by: GraysonsMommy on October 04, 2005, 17:29:29 pm
It's hard to say actually, because when we implemented the DF, I think he was going through a growth spurt, so the intake went up and then back down.  It's possible though that the DF has something to do with it, although, he was being fed once at night before we started the DF, we just moved that middle of the night feeding to 11pm to accomodate the new schedule with the DF and no night feedings.   During his growth spurt, he was averaging 36-37 ounces of milk in 24 hours. Now he is averaging 29-31 ounces.  It seems to have decreased slowly over the last three weeks.  Our Dr told us that 28-35 is normal for his age so I feel like he is at least getting enough to thrive.  And he's a big boy at 16.11 pounds, so he's thriving alright! he he

Title: Dream Feed - Is this right?
Post by: GraysonsMommy on October 06, 2005, 11:33:50 am