SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: carolyn on October 17, 2005, 00:27:09 am

Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: carolyn on October 17, 2005, 00:27:09 am
John gave up his paci about 3 weeks ago.  He hasn't had any issues at night, but naps have suddenly disappeared.  The first week he napped every other day. The second week he napped almost everyday.  Last week he didn't nap at all.  In fact it has been over a week since he took a nap.  How could he go from 2+ hours naps to no nap virtually overnight?

I am beginning to wonder if he really doesn't know how to self soothe.  He has used the paci for naps and at night for so long and we almost never had any problems.  He still sleeps with his Cuddly, but I'm not sure it is enough. On a few occassions in the past where we had "lost" the paci he played around like he is now, and would settle almost immediately if I sudden;y found the paci.  I have even considered buying another paci just for naps.  :oops:

He is sooooo tired by 4:00 that I can't keep him entertained enough to fix dinner.  He is almost out of control by then.  We have had to move his bedtime from 8:30 to 7:30 most nights, and he is asleep within 15 minutes.

Is this normal? What should I do? Let it go and change my routine? I really miss my afternoon ME time.  Now I can't get anything done.  It is driving me nuts.
Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: ry,cait&alex on October 17, 2005, 01:28:33 am
We too are fighting the "no nap monster".  Ry will be 4 next month and with Cait around, dh and I REALLY need that afternoon down time.  So, just know, I feel your pain.  We make Ry take his nap, but he usually takes about 2 hours to finally get there and by that time the Diva is awake, so we are fighting a losing battle.  Of course, I have had really good luck getting her back to sleep at the 45 minute mark, so there is hope.  Hoping to get some suggestions with your initial post.

Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: momtocheyenne&toby on October 17, 2005, 02:27:35 am
Cheye has recently stopped taking her nap for the most part.  We get home from school by 2:15 and by 3 Toby and I are zonked out, but she stays  up and watches TV...leaves me alone so it's fine with me.  Bedtime is earlier now so it works out ok.  She's gotten so independent she'll make herself a sandwich or a snack and hang out till we wake up.  I'll come stumbling into the living room after sleeping an hour or two and she's like "did you have a good nap?"
Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: alligirl on October 17, 2005, 12:51:36 pm
I was just laying in bed last night wondering if Stephen is ready to give up his nap.  His naps have been progressively getting shorter (3 hrs a few months ago and 45min-1hr in the last week or so).  I think it has to do with the toddler bed and feeling more freedom.  I'm not wild about the idea of him not taking a nap (JUST when I get Z napping at about the same time), but he is actually quite well-behaved if he doesn't take a nap (on normal days that there hasn't been anything exciting going on).  About an hour before bed he starts getting a little whiny and telling us that he's tired but that's it.  ANyway, I'm going ot keep "offering" naps, still going to get him lay down for a little while and when he actually does give it up for good, I'm still going to have a mandatory quiet time....not quite sure HOW I"m going to do that, but that's the plan anyway. :wink:
Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: chicken on October 17, 2005, 13:57:55 pm
Ella gave up naps at 2 years and 3 months :shock:   It was horrible at first, but once she got use to it (and of course we started an earlier bed time), it ended up being really nice.  Now I can go anywhere, anytime and don't have to think about being home for nap time.
Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: Lana on October 17, 2005, 19:28:04 pm
Ewan has been skipping a lot of naps lately, or he takes a really short one.  We just keep putting him in the bed and then at least he has quiet time.  He does do pretty well without one but we also put him to bed earlier to make up for it.
Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: GraceKellysmom on October 17, 2005, 19:42:43 pm
Note to self: Keeping Grace in her crib until she's 16. Soooo glad she started sucking her thumb when she gave up her paci.  :oops:  :roll: 

Grace is still napping 1.5-1.75 hrs every day. There are some days that she doesn't seem to have slept.

My pediatrician told me that most children need naps until they are 4 or 5. They may go through stages of not seeming like they need one, but they should go back to it. Consider their diet, sugar intake, and how much exercise/tv they are getting per day.
Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: carolyn on October 17, 2005, 19:58:45 pm
Quote from: GraceKellysmom
Note to self: Keeping Grace in her crib until she's 16. Soooo glad she started sucking her thumb when she gave up her paci.  :oops:  :roll: 

I can't wait until his big bed comes next month. If he is this disrupted, what  else can happen.  YIKES!!!

Well, he is asleep now.  And has been for about an hour.  I hope I'm not jinxing it.  I don't know if it's because he went to preschool for a while this morning and played hard, or if it's because he isn't feeling well. He has had a cruddy cough for the past few days.  At the moment, I don't house is quiet!!  :D  (am I being too gleeful?)
Title: Can he really be giving up naps?
Post by: GraceKellysmom on October 18, 2005, 01:26:33 am
Oh no, not at all. I'd go nuts without a break every day. My kids are sick too, and it is really messing up sleep.