SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: Emmy's Mum on November 03, 2005, 07:10:22 am

Title: Nap confusion
Post by: Emmy's Mum on November 03, 2005, 07:10:22 am
Hi, I am currently having trouble with my lo's late afternoon nap. She is currently on 3 to 3.5 EASY. She used to be a really bad napper until about 4 weeks ago. However, ever since her naps improved her nighttime sleep has deteriorated - as in her 5 or 6 hour stretch disappeared. I don't know if this is a coincidence or if a number of other factors are involved. Currently she sleeps for about 2 hours in the morning, then 1 to 1.5 hrs at midday and only has a catnap in the late afternoon. There is no way that I can extend this catnap - I have tried - she just refuses to go back to sleep and once up will happily play for another 1.5 to 2 hours after which I generally put her down for another catnap as it is too early for her bedtime. Total naptime does not seem excessive, but I'm wondering if perhaps if it is too much for her? It just seems too much of a coincidence that once her daytime sleeps improved then her nighttime got worse. Any ideas anyone??
Title: Nap confusion
Post by: Meg's Mom on November 03, 2005, 22:02:06 pm
Okay, give me a breakdown of all sleep.

Bedtime ________

Awake _________

1st nap _________ for ________ long

2nd nap _________ for ________ long

3rd nap ________ for _________ long

Title: Nap confusion
Post by: Emmy's Mum on November 04, 2005, 01:00:52 am
Hi Meg's Mom,
Here are the details:

Bedtime: between 6-7.30pm

Awake: about 11 hrs after falling asleep (eg if she falls asleep at 7pm she'll be awake usually at 6am)

1st Nap: Usually 2 hrs but sometimes it's 1.5 hrs

2nd Nap: Usually 1 to 1.5 hr in length

3rd Nap: catnaps - between 30-45 mins

4th Nap: catnaps again - 30-45 mins

Then the next sleep is bedtime. Em's usually awake between 1.5 to 2 hrs (including wind down) but the last couple of days she has been staying awake for 2 hrs consistently.

Hope this helps! Thanks in advance  :)
Title: Nap confusion
Post by: Meg's Mom on November 04, 2005, 04:24:57 am
Thanks for that, can you also tell me how long she is awake between each of the naps:

Awake: 6am

1st Nap: A time = ____________1.5-2 hrs

2nd Nap: A time=_____________ Usually 1 to 1.5 hr in length

3rd Nap: A time=_____________ catnaps - between 30-45 mins

4th Nap: A time=_____________ catnaps again - 30-45 mins
Title: Nap confusion
Post by: Emmy's Mum on November 04, 2005, 06:21:44 am
Hello, on average, Em is awake anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hrs between naps. To summarise:

First nap A time = 1.5 to 2 hrs (usually 1.5)

Second nap A time = 2 hrs

Third nap (catnap) A time = 1.5 - 2hrs

Fourth nap (catnap) A time = 1.5 hrs

After that it's wind down and bedtime. But her routine varies from day to day depending on her naptimes. I try to go by her tired cues and generally she self settles with some mantra crying.
Title: Nap confusion
Post by: Meg's Mom on November 09, 2005, 04:45:48 am
First off, i am sorry it has taken me sooo long to get back to you.  The time change really set my LO off and we have been trying to get her back on track...i needed a clear (and rested) head to look at your issue.  Which thankfully i have now :-).

You say she used to be a bad napper until 4 weeks ago, so i am wondering what changed.  Although glad for that!

The only I thing i can see in your schedule is that she is ready to extend her A times and that usually means dropping a nap (that last cat nap).  You say you have tried to extend catnap #1 w/o success, have you tried extending her A time for this period?  I would suggest that first. 

Her A times for 1st and 2nd nap look great...but maybe she is night owl and can stay awake longer then you think.  She is coming off a great nap eg: nap #2.  Try extending her A time 15min and see if that helps.  If she sleeps at least 1hr for the 3rd nap she won't need the last catnap. 

The night waking could be due to her being overtired come bed time.  Those darn short naps just don't restore them at this age.

Does that make sence?  Hope that helps.  Try that and if it doesn't work, post and PM me - we will see what can think of next.