SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: Poppy00228881072 on December 02, 2005, 16:33:30 pm

Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: Poppy00228881072 on December 02, 2005, 16:33:30 pm
Hello There,

We are dedicated Baby Whiperer Disciples!,

We have been doing the EASY routine sinc my son was 4 months old, and believe almost everything that Tracey Says, and take it as Gold Dust!,

Here's the Problem....

Our son is now 14 months old, he goes to be at 7 - 7.30, and sleeps until 8am,


He will only nap for 1hr at 12.30 ish!!!!,

He has a 2 year old cousin who goes to sleep at the same time, and naps at the same time, and he sleeps for 2hrs +!!!!!,

Why is this?,

What am I doing wrong?,

I do Pick Up/Put Down with him, which extends his nap by 1/2hr approx (but sometimes it's hard work!), but this is hard when we are out and about in the pram!,

I'm dedicated to naps and a routine, but am finding myself putting up with the 1hr nap, which I know is not long enough!!,  :evil:

If anyone has ANY advice Please, Please, Let me hear it!,

I hope to hear from you,

Shana and Shady xxxx
Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: Taylor's Mommy on December 03, 2005, 03:51:49 am
Sorry I can't help since my lo is still only 7 months, but my reply will get your post at the top again so someone else can help.  I know there has been a lot discussed on this topic, so I'm sure you'll find some help :)
Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: mommyof2boys on December 03, 2005, 18:15:33 pm
My instinct is that 13 hours is too long at night--try moving to an 7:30 or 8 o'clock bedtime and getting up at 7 or 7:30.  Then move the nap to noon so overtiredness doesn't sit in.  If you don't want to shift the bedtimes yet, you could just try the noon nap one day to see what happens.

My toddler is older (now almost 3), but I noticed that, when I used to put him down at 1, he'd only sleep for 1 1/2 hours.  Now I put him down at 12:30 and he often goes for 3 hours!

Let us know how it goes...
Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: Meg's Mom on December 06, 2005, 04:48:51 am
I agree, cut back on that night sleep - 11.5 to 12 max.  Try cutting by 15-30 every few days.  I found that my LO did the same thing - when i cut her back...she slowly extended.  Also see my post about wake to sleep.

I am out of time but let me know if you have any questions.
Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: Katet on December 06, 2005, 04:56:51 am
Yes have to agree with the others. The total sleep for a 24 hour period is pretty much right on average... just the way it is made up. Most babies would only sleep 11- 12 hours over night & do about 2+ in the middle of the day so  gettting 12.5 -13 then 1 hour is the same KWIM

BTW no two children are the same my neice gave up naps by 28 months & my ds now 28 months still has them lasting 1.5-2 hours long... your lo's cousin sounds like he is at the "high sleep need" end of the spectrum to be doing 12+  hours overnight then 2 + hour naps... most 2 yo's I know get around 13 hours total & most books give a 13 hour total for a 2 yo & 13.5 for 18mo & 13.75 for 1yo... so even your ds is within that range.
Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: mommasboys on December 06, 2005, 05:52:41 am
My lo is almost 14 months old and he goes to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeps usually till 6:00 or 6:30.  He's teething right now so some nights he'll wake up for 30 minutes to an hour.     I've gotten into the routine of putting him down for a nap right around noon.  And like clock work he'll only sleep an hour!!!  But he seems t do alright with it.

There have been afew days where he'll sit in his chair and take a 30 minute cat nap but most of the time he's good to go withjust an hour nap.  I also have to agree with the others.
Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: Poppy00228881072 on December 06, 2005, 09:03:08 am
Hi Ladies,

Thank-You SOOO Much for your advice!!!,

I have been putting Shady down at 7.30, and waking him up at 7.30 in the morning,

He did an 1hr 20min yesterday, so i'm going to try an 11.30 nap again today,

Do you think I should go back to 2 naps again, or is that just defeating the object??,

Or should I stretch the morning nap until 12 after his lunch at 11.30???,

SOOO Confused!!,

I've leant my best friend my Baby Whisperer book so am a TOTAL LOSS without it!!!,

Thanks Again,

Shaz and Shady xxxx
Title: 2 naps or 1?
Post by: Poppy00228881072 on December 06, 2005, 15:44:27 pm
Hello Again,

Should we be working towards an 1hr 1/2 for 1 nap or

2 naps of 1hr?,

I'm at a loss without my Book!!!,

Thanks for the help!

Title: 14 month old 1 Nap that is far TOO SHORT, HELLLLLPPPP!!!!!
Post by: Meg's Mom on December 07, 2005, 23:13:03 pm
I answered this question on your other thread.