SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: Shayleesmom on February 13, 2006, 16:27:26 pm

Title: Could it be her teeth?
Post by: Shayleesmom on February 13, 2006, 16:27:26 pm
Hi everyone,
I'm new and am having problems with my 5 month old daughter waking through the night.  We recently discovered that her first two teeth are coming in but she hasn't seemed to be bothered by them.  She still seems happy and playful, no fever or discomfort but her sleep in the last week has been poor.  I am so tired.  We generally put her down for good between 8:30 and 9:30 pm and for most nights (up until this last week) she would sleep straight through to 5 am without waking and then go back to sleep until 9 am.  Recently though she is up 3 - 4 times a night.  I go in and try pat/shh, I've tried pu/pd and the only thing that seems to work is a paci but the minute she falls asleep and it falls out she is immediately awake again.  We occasionally do use the paci but she sucks on it a few times, closes her eyes and spits it out without waking, most times she just falls asleep on her own without it.  She has been on a four hour EASY since she was 8 weeks old and it has worked amazingly bu but now everything in the evening is off.  She is and always has been a terrible napper, usually three 30 minute naps a day, but when she wakes from these naps she is happy and it hasn't bothered he night sleep in the past.  She is being weaned form breast to bottle and has been doing exceptionally well.  Out of five feedings a day she is now up to 3, 7 oz bottles during the day(9am, 1 pm, and 5 pm)  and 1, 4 oz bottle for bed with a breastfed top off, the 5 am feeding in a breast feed as well.
So really, my question is do you think that the last bad week of sleep be her teeth coming in?  It is like she has forgotten how to sleep.  Or could it be something else (growth spurt).  Another thing I was wondering, does she still need the 5 am feeding at this age?  I was going to try to drop it but was not sure if I should as she really does seem hungry at this time.
Thanks for all help and suggestions.


Title: Re: Could it be her teeth?
Post by: Jo-FrasersMum on February 15, 2006, 00:36:11 am

Well it COULD be teeth but it sounds like more likely the problem is the paci.  Especially because Shaylee is waking as soon as the paci falls out of her mouth - that is a big indicator that the paci is the problem.

You might like to have a look at the props board or the gradual weaning plan sticky at the top of the nightwakings board to give you ideas on how to start to wean the paci.

Re the 5am waking - because she seems hungry, and because it has been more than 8 hours since her previous feed, I would definitely keep offering this feed.  The way most people get around that early morning feed is by giving a dreamfeed sometime around 10.30 or 11pm and trying to achieve their 8 hour stretch after that.  However, because your DD has a later bedtime it is unlikely that an additional feed at 10.30 or 11pm would be successful.

Good luck
Title: Re: Could it be her teeth?
Post by: Shayleesmom on February 15, 2006, 06:11:01 am
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Jo.  I will look there and try anything at this point to help my LO out.