EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: mamina on March 15, 2006, 03:07:37 am

Title: quick feeds!!!
Post by: mamina on March 15, 2006, 03:07:37 am
Hi all!

My dd is 8m2w and she is not really eating much of anything!! She will have a good morning feed, then really for the rest of the day she will feed for a bit (5-10min) and then needs to see what is going on! Even IF I feed her in the same place.
Regarding her solids, she will eat her oats.....but when it come to her other baby food she won't have more than 2 spoons.......she likes fruit, but I have to get her to taste it inorder for her to eat it.......I think she thinks that I'm going to give her the meat/veggie mix that she doesn't like.
PLUS her sleep is all off too! She has been cutting teeth like crazy! She started getting her teeth at 5months and they keep coming! She has 7 now!

Any ideas, suggestions..........??
Title: Re: quick feeds!!!
Post by: Samuel's mum on March 15, 2006, 09:39:32 am
It all sounds completely normal to me!! :)
What would you like to focus on?
The length of feeds isn't necessarily something to worry about as babies do become more efficient but if it's only the daytime feeds this is also common as babies go through a phase of being easily distracted. Some find nursing necklaces work well to keep baby focused.
You could ask on the weaning and solid foods forum about her eating perhaps.
Title: Re: quick feeds!!!
Post by: daisymelan on March 15, 2006, 14:03:51 pm
It does sound very normal...  but my goodness, what a mouth of teeth, eh?

My lo just recently dropped his nursing time down to about 5 minutes and he's almost 8 months.  Sometimes I get him on for 10, but not often.  (I think they have secretly been fooling us for the past few months and really never needed to nurse that long at all  ::) ;))

As for the foods, I guess just keep at it.  I always mix stuff he doesn't like with stuff he likes and gradually keep adjusting the amounts.  Perhaps that will work for you.  But I agree, you should maybe check on the solid and weaing board for some more info in that area specifically.

The sleep issue is kinda hard to tackle without much more info.  I think unless you feel it is directly related to bfing that you try one of the sleep boards.

