ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: Sherri123 on March 19, 2006, 12:57:25 pm

Title: To sleepy to have any activity
Post by: Sherri123 on March 19, 2006, 12:57:25 pm
Hi ,Ethan is 12 wks old and most times after feeding him he is sooo sleepy that i cant get him to have any activity time at all..I try to burp him ,stand him up ect but hes dead to the world..i hope he doesnt start to associate feeds with sleep !!Im breastfeeding by the way,and he gets pretty gassy at times alsoany comments would be welcome..Thanks
Title: Re: To sleepy to have any activity
Post by: ambersmum on March 19, 2006, 19:26:48 pm
Hi Sherri,
            I just wondered, does he fall asleep at end of feed or part way through? If it is at the end of feed does he then have a good nap, or a cat nap? I ask this as my dd at that age would drop off asleep few 2-3 mins before activity time. Do you feed him as soon as he wakes, or is he having activity time before his feed? How long has this been the situation? Maybe it is a growth spurt or development stage meaning he needs the sleep.

Sorry for all the questions! I've been thinking about your situation and wondered what your LO's schedule is.

If you get chance to reply to these questions I'll have a good think for you. I'm sure others on this site will have good suggestions.

love juliet
Title: Re: To sleepy to have any activity
Post by: Sherri123 on March 20, 2006, 12:37:54 pm
  Hi Juliet,sometimes he fall asleep during his feedings but i usually wake him up by changing him or burping him or something,he also sleeps pretty good in between his feedings .Hes a pretty sleepy little guy ha ha the and of his feeds though hes sometimes out like a light .He actually was awake this morning, had a little tummy time changed his diaper watched for signs of getting tired gave him his pacifier(he really prefers his fist) Maybe im just paranoid i dont know??hes asleep now ..i start my ritual around 630-700am 3hrs in between feeds hes going down to sleep a lot better than he was before its like he knows its time for a nap...sweet....
Title: Re: To sleepy to have any activity
Post by: ambersmum on March 22, 2006, 13:55:28 pm
hi sherri,
           sorry to have been so long in replying.

I'm no expert but.... I would take a day (or two) to step back and look at your routine and check. Are you following EASY? Are you doing E straight after a sleep? What is the total number of naps/hours of daytime sleep? Go back to Tracy's book, if you have it, to re-read her words of wisdom.

It may well be that you are doing everything right and ds is just extra sleepy or growing or making up for a bad night.

Remember babies are all different in their needs, maybe he needs more sleep than others! I compare dd to other babies and wonder why she eats so little, but I have to remind myself she is a small baby and is eating what she wants!

keep in touch
Title: Re: To sleepy to have any activity
Post by: Sherri123 on March 22, 2006, 16:16:33 pm
Hi again.i feed him when he wakes up hes usually pretty hungry if he wakes up on his own but sometimes i have to wake him .im on a 3 hr routine .He gets 11/2 2 hr naps.OMG i just realized i said he was 12 wks but hes only 9 wks  ooops!!lack of sleep thats my story ha ha !! i think he had a growth spurt yestrday he didnt have one yet..he was waking up every 2hrs and was hungry  so i fed him. he seems a bit better today though??I only have Tracys second book do recomend her first as well??i did the quiz and i believe hes a textbook baby. Maybe i should as i find it sometimes hard to figure out what hes wanting..Sherri
Title: Re: To sleepy to have any activity
Post by: ambersmum on March 23, 2006, 09:42:48 am
wow, you're doing great if he is only 9 weeks old :)

I read the second book first too, mum got it from the library for me. Then I boulght the first one, thinking I'd missed out on important stuff, but actually most of it is recapped in the second and Tracy goes into lots more detail in the second book. You're not missed out on much really (will I get thorwn off the bw site for saying that ;))

My dd is textbook too.

sounds like a growth spurt to me, esp. as he is eating so much extra.

love juliet