EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: RachelC on March 29, 2006, 01:02:07 am

Title: Am I making a snacker?
Post by: RachelC on March 29, 2006, 01:02:07 am
The other day I believe my dd hit her 6 month growth spurt, so I began feeding on demand and adding a second dreamfeed (which I did for 3 days and tonight I am back to one).  I am afraid I have made a snacker out of her.  This was her schedule today:

6:50am wake bf
8:15am solids
9:15am nap
11:20am wake bf
1:00 bf (I introduced this one while growth spurt and now it seems to help A time.  It will become "lunch" this weekend)
2:00 nap
3:15 wake bf
5:30 solids
7:00 bed
10:30 (hopefully she'll make it) df

From 11-5 she's eating every 2 hours, is this ok? 
Any advice is appreciated.
Title: Re: Am I making a snacker?
Post by: Carter'sMama on March 29, 2006, 02:53:02 am
Hi Rachel!

Your schedule today looks roughly like my schedule did when Carter was that age!  I remember growth spurts all too well!  I vividly remember increasing feeds to every 2 hours during the spurts and it didn't seem to have a lasting effect.  If that 1:00pm feed is becoming solids this weekend the I don't think you have created any problems.  At that age babies that have 3 meals of solids usually have 4-5 bf's a day or more and the only way to fit it all in is to have them eating quite frequently! 

As well, in response to the extra feeds your milk supply should have increased to meet the demands and your lo should seem content and maybe uninterested in extra food!  You should be able to get by with out the second dreamfeed tonight.

Title: Re: Am I making a snacker?
Post by: Samuel's mum on March 29, 2006, 10:28:33 am
I would agree that you have nothing to worry about. You definitely did the right thing during the growth spurt. Things will probably shift after the weekend if not before.