ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: jank on June 20, 2006, 13:42:20 pm

Title: routines without dream feed
Post by: jank on June 20, 2006, 13:42:20 pm
I have a 4 month old and am looking for people to post their routines without the dream feed.  The reason I ask this is because I've found that the df has been disrupting her sleep and she is beginning to wake up for it.  Before, her last awake feed is at 7:30pm  (sleeps shortly after ~ 7:45-8pm) with a df at 11pm.  She slept once to 7am but usually wakes up around 4-4:30am.  Without the df, she sleeps until 3:30am.  Hence, I've found it wasn't worth it to stay up for the df for an extra 30min to hour sleep.  Should I try to cluster feed her to compensate for the missed df in the evening? (When she wakes up at 6pm and feed her again before I put her down like before?).   I am bfing and have started giving her a bottle at the 7:30pm feed to make sure she is full for the night (she takes about 5-5 1/2 oz).  She's 12 lbs.  My routine is below.

E- 7am


E-3 pm

A-6:00.  Bath at 7:00pm
E-7:30 pm
S-7:45-8:00 pm

No DF.  Wakes at ~3:30 for feed.  Sleeps til 7 am.. 
Title: Re: routines without dream feed
Post by: samijoe on June 20, 2006, 17:09:36 pm
Sorry I don't have any answers for you, but rather, the same question.  My little DD is 14 weeks old and is almost on the 4 hour easy(3h45min roughly).  I have never dreamfed her because I got the book a little late....and she was already sleeping from 730pm till about 4am.  She'll eat till about 430am, then go back to sleep till 730am.  Then, we start the whole thing over...I really would like to cut out that 4am feed.  Currently, she eats 730, 1130, 330, 530 (tank-5 oz bottle), 730--then bed.  She is breastfed exclusively except for the 5oz bottle at 530pm and even sometimes, this bottle is breastmilk.  I understand that when the time is right she will do it on her own...she is about 11.5 lbs...I do not want to add a dreamfeed because I am a little apprehensive about pulling it off.  Any suggestions for Jank and I?