EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: ~Lori~ on July 19, 2006, 04:21:45 am

Title: Fast letdown--choking 9 week old who screams and pulls away...just started this!
Post by: ~Lori~ on July 19, 2006, 04:21:45 am
So, since the beginning, I've had a very very fast milk letdown.  In the beginning it caused some problems when my milk came in, but since week 1, my DD has been eating fine.  Occasionally when the milk lets down she will choke, but then go right back to eating.  Well, suddenly as of this week, my DD is practically refusing to eat.  I start nursing her and she is bobbing off and on, then when the letdown happens usually she chokes and then starts SCREAMING and will not go back on.  I am confused as to why this is starting now at 9 weeks, nothing has changed!  I have tried expressing milk beforehand, but it doesn't make much of a difference.  I have tried to pull out when I feel the letdown, but sometimes that makes LO so mad, she will also not go on.  It's been every feed today like this, even when she doesn't choke, she is so tentative now.  even tonight, when my DH gave her a bottle of pumped milk, she had some of those choking issues and freaked out and would not eat...what can I do??  She is so scared to eat now...and why would she be starting this now, when it's been going on since the beginning??

Title: Re: Fast letdown--choking 9 week old who screams and pulls away...just started this!
Post by: Harvey and Theos Mam on July 19, 2006, 10:03:30 am
Have you tried laying down or reclining a bit when feeding.

I used to lay completely on my back with Theo across my tummy, but like you say...your LO is 9 wks old. Maybe you could try this, i still do my morning feed laying down with both Theo and I on our sides as it is more relaxing.
Gravity did help when laying down.

Title: Re: Fast letdown--choking 9 week old who screams and pulls away...just started this!
Post by: Samuel's mum on July 19, 2006, 12:50:22 pm
I think there are some excellent tips on this link for overactive letdown and some photos of positions that might work with a younger baby.

I agree with harvey and theos mam that could be the key.

However if you really don't feel anything has changed then it could be perhaps something else going on.

Quote (selected)
when my DH gave her a bottle of pumped milk, she had some of those choking issues and freaked out and would not eat
This is a bit of a worry especially if you are concerned she may become dehydrated (watch out for around 6 wet nappies in 24 hours). I've not heard of babies who experience overactive let-down transferring their 'fear' like this. Would a slower teat make a difference?

You may want to phone a helpline just to talk it through or if she still doesn't drink enough then contact your doctor. Numbers for helplines here and on FAQ page.

Good Luck.

P.S Remember that if she's going quite a while without emptying the breast not only do you have to worry about her but also your supply. You may want to pump to ensure your breast are being 'drained' and you supply to being kept up.

Many people also 'cup feed' with very young babies. You put a small plastic cup up to their bottom lip and they sort of 'lap' it - it sounds a bit of a hassle but obviously she needs to take something while you get help sorted out.