ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: Carmela's Mom on August 17, 2006, 19:32:38 pm

Title: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 17, 2006, 19:32:38 pm
My 12week old doesn't seem hungry every 3 hours.  But he's only taking 45 minute naps so how do I do this?  right now, I'm putting down after 1.5 hours but then he's up 45 minutes later and ready for another nap when he should be ready to eat!  HELP
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: rebecaq on August 17, 2006, 19:50:51 pm
Can you post your whole days schedule? It'll help me a bit.
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 17, 2006, 20:37:52 pm
There really is nothing set in stone.  But I'll give it a shot.

E 7:30
S 9:00 (45 mins)

A 9:45
E 11:00 (normally hungry around now)
S 11:45 (45 mins...I try to extend this nap as much as possible as when DD sleeping)

E 2:00
S 3:00 (45 mins...sometimes 2.5 hours)

E 5:00
A Bath
E 7:30
S 8:00

Sleeps through the night until 7:30ish. 

See the problems are that 1) it takes 45 mins to feed him.  2) he's never hungry when he wakes.  3) 45 minute naps.

Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: rebecaq on August 17, 2006, 21:01:33 pm
Is he breastfed?

If so, he should not take 45 mins to eat at 12 weeks. Are you sure he's not just suckling after he's emptied the breast?  If don't hear him gulping anymore then he's not eating and using you as a nice warm paci  ;D  I recomment that you unlatch him as soon as he's no longer gulping. His A time will be longer because of it and he may start sleeping a bit more.  When several problems arise it's better to tackle one before the other, so I suggest eating gets taken care of and then we tackle sleep.

Have you tried offering expressed breast milk in a bottle, does he take as long?

- Beca
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 17, 2006, 23:07:25 pm
He is bottle fed.  he is a SLOW eater!  Though half the reason I think he's so slow is because he should be on a 4 hour EASY but with the 45 minute naps, I'm having problems with it.
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: estherofi20 on August 18, 2006, 11:52:05 am
Hi there,

have you tried a faster nipple flow? and also extending his naps with pat-shush?
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 18, 2006, 12:02:41 pm
I haven't tried a faster flow nipple.  I was afraid it would cause gas.  Maybe I'll give it a shot. 

I have tried pat/shush.  It used to work but now it doesn't.  Ya know I used to put him in his crib and walk out and he'd fuss for a second and be out.  Now, I have to pat/shush him to sleep most of the time or he'll cry for over 5 minutes (while I'm patting him).  I wonder if that's a sign of overtiredness or not tired enough.  For night time, he goes right to sleep.  no patting necessary.

Now for the past two weeks he slept from 8 to 7:30 with no dream feed.  This morning he was up at 5 for a feeding.  I also wonder if he's starting to hit another growth spurt?  Or if he's just really gassy?
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: rebecaq on August 18, 2006, 13:12:48 pm
I also recommend trying a faster flow nipple. And since he is now 3 months old, maybe you can try PU/PD to help him settle. As they get bigger shh/pat is not enough. Give it a try to see how it goes.

Is last night the first time he's gotten up sooner for a feed? If not, are they at the same time or erracticly?

Is he arching his back and just seem uncomfortable when you lay him down? That's a sure fire clue to him being gassy.

- Beca
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 18, 2006, 16:32:48 pm
When he's in my arms he's arching his back while feeding.  And now he's doing it at the beginning of a feeding (he always did it at teh end to tell us he's done).  That's why I'm thinking he's not hungry at 3 hours. 

Last night was the first night he woke at 5 for a feeding.  Before that he'd do 11.5 hours no problems for two weeks.

I bought the next size nipple and will try that for his next feeding.  Thanks. 

I'm also thinking if the nipples don't work in a few days that I should change his formula maybe?
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: estherofi20 on August 18, 2006, 16:39:03 pm
why would you like to change the formula? do you think he doesn't like it? is this brand of formula the one he has been drinking all along?
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 18, 2006, 17:04:04 pm
Because of the gas.  I do'nt know what else could help out with the gas.  Yes he's been on this formula all along.  But the gas has just started recently, but nothing else changed.  So if its not the nipple, I don't know what it would be.
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: estherofi20 on August 18, 2006, 19:10:49 pm
hmmm have you tried any simeticone drops  like Mylicone drops? my DS was super gassy too, and i used to give him mylicone drop at every feed, and that did help him, and i also changed his regular formula to a lactose-free formula, and that also helped him.
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 19, 2006, 11:42:52 am
Yes we do mylicon with every bottle.  My husband seems to think its acid reflux and not gas.  My daughter had silent reflux and he's showing the same symptoms, but I'm not sure if that is it or not. 
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: litomi on August 19, 2006, 12:15:36 pm
Does your LO make a lot of noise while eating? My LO swallowed a lot of air when eating and was a slow eater. A nurse told me that she might not know how to suck properly and showed me how to help my LO by gently pressing her cheeks while feeding (using thumb and index finger to hold the bottle, middle and back of your ring finger gently press her cheek). My LO then learned to suck better and finishes the bottle faster... swallowing less air.
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: estherofi20 on August 19, 2006, 19:51:30 pm
Ohh also i forgot to say that switching to Dr. Brown's bottles really helped A LOT!!!!!

What does the doctor say about it?
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: Carmela's Mom on August 20, 2006, 14:53:34 pm
Yes both my kids always used Dr. Browns ... we like them a lot!  My only issue is that I use powder formula and when I make an 8 ounce bottle, it is all bottles because the bottle is smaller. 

ANYWAY, I have great news.  We have extended my son's awake time to 1.75 to 2 hours and it seemed to fix his issues.  He's taking longer naps and eating 6.5 ounces every 3.5 hours.  Once in awhile every 4 hours.  It's been going much better.

I think the extra gas was from feeding him too often.  He was ready for 3.5 but I didn't realize it because he was taking 45 minute naps so he was crying a lot. 

Thanks for all the advice :)
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: estherofi20 on August 20, 2006, 16:29:31 pm
Glad to hear that!!! ;D
Title: Re: Soo confused not sure what to do!
Post by: litomi on August 22, 2006, 09:59:39 am
Happy for U ;D