SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: Lockyer on August 26, 2006, 06:47:08 am

Title: can someone please explain WI/WO? due with # 2 in 2 weeks
Post by: Lockyer on August 26, 2006, 06:47:08 am
Hi, I have a 26mth old who has always been a good sleeper until recently. Over the last few nights he has been waking at about 10.30pm screaming out for me. Usually I would just go in not talking to him and lay him down with no troubles, but last night he screamed for 3hrs on and off while DH and I took turns at trying to settle him. I would sit in the little chair near his bed and when he fell asleep would go to move...then it would start again. I was in tears a few times.

Finally DH settled him by saying  "Im just here" then moving a few steps and repeating this till he was out the door and even said it when he got back into bed. I tried this when he woke at 4.55am with success, then he woke at 5.35am wanting to come itno our bed (which we have nevr allowed), so I stayed in his room and through exhaustion layed with him in his bed and accidentally fell asleep. Then we all woke at 7.30am!!

I would like to try WI/WO  but dont really know the details. I need to get our little sleeper back as # 2 is days away (getting alot of contractions now). He is showing signs on a little cold so I am not sure if I should do it now or not. By the way he goes to bed at 7.15-7.30pm and naps from 12.15-2.15/2.30pm.

PLEASE HELP...vanessa xx
Title: Re: can someone please explain WI/WO? due with # 2 in 2 weeks
Post by: Khyan & Sahria's mum on August 26, 2006, 07:19:51 am
I have to say I'm pretty much in the same position as you !

Khyan is 28 mths and I'm due with #2 in 2 weeks also and Khyan has decided that he no longer can sleep thru the night and that he must wake for the day at 4.30am  :o  :o  :o

Normally something like this indicates that he is unwell or coming down with something or that he is teething (damn 2 yo molars STILL) but then as I'm almost due it terrifies me that this is just a new pattern and I'm sure you are feeling the same way  :-\

When I'm having a sane moment I realise that this kind of behaviour does happen on occassion in our household and then things do get back to normal so I just need to be patient and not panic too much. However saying all of this I must admit that those preg hormones are not giving me many sane moments at the moment  ::) So I spend my time mostly racking my brains on what on earth to do !

OK so I'm really rambling now !

My opinion on your situation would be to rule out pain - esp if you say he is possibly getting a cold maybe he has a sore throat that you can't see and is reacting to the pain, otherwise consider teething and then if you have ruled out those things then start with your WI/WO technique which I think is described in detail at the top of the toddler sleep forum

Goodluck I know how totally frustrating it is and how you must be feeling BIG hugs I hope things get better for all of us really soon
Title: Re: can someone please explain WI/WO? due with # 2 in 2 weeks
Post by: Lana on August 26, 2006, 16:18:02 pm
The first thing I thought of was teething, especially because he has been a good sleeper previously.  Or he could be coming down with something.
Title: Re: can someone please explain WI/WO? due with # 2 in 2 weeks
Post by: Lockyer on August 26, 2006, 22:48:23 pm
Thanks to you both for replying,

Well as of writing the post yesterday, Declan came down with a sort of head cold. So, last night I gave him some paracetemol before he went to bed. He woke at 10.35pm and was standing up gagging in his bed (he is in a big boy bed) with phlem in his throat (poor sod), once I gave him a few pats on the back and propped up his pillow he went back to slepp. He then woke at 2ish am and I gave him some more paracetemol and he went right back to sleep too. Then he woke at 6am ;D which is great I am happy with anything after this time. He did lay back down for about 20mins then we got up.

I can see that he is loaded with the cold this morning as his eyes are all puffy and he is sounding really snuffy while he is breathing.

But, he is still waking early (except for this morning) and I am wondering if I should maybe try W2S. The only problem being is that some mornings he wakes at different times and if I set my alarm for him, he is usually already awake before it goes off...what to do.

Michaela, I sympathise with you totally and agree that it is probably just preggo hormones making me overthink everything. I am just so scared that when the baby wakes at night for a feed I am going to have Declan up as well either crying or wanting attention because jr is up as well. I am sure you are thinking of this as well.

I hope all goes well with your pregnancy (cant wait for it to be over..I ache eeeeeeeverywhere) :'(  Thankyou again to you both for replying.
 :-*Vanessa xx