EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: andibig on January 10, 2007, 21:02:46 pm
Sasha is just over 19 mths and still has milk first thing in the morning (about 6oz) and b4 bed (6oz).i'm not too concerned about her bedtime btl as i've looked at other routines and it seems the norm for most toddlers.
what i'm wondering is should i be dropping her morning btl? her eating has been a bit off due to tummy bug,teething and cold.she normally eats a great breakfast,generally lunch is hit and miss(can snack sometimes).her pm snack is fairly sml as lately she doesn't seem that interested and usually she eats a good dinner (esp if pasta).
i think the am btl may be affecting her lunch (although she still naps ok)?
From 12months they say no more than 16ozs a day and i think that includes all dairy.
My DD has 10ozs in the morning and 7ozs in the afternoon.
thanks for the be honest the milk she drinks is about the only dairy she consumes with the occ yoghurt.think i will start to cut down her am milk.
Our DS has just recently dropped his morning bottle over the past few weeks, he just did not want it.
He has about 7oz of milk in his cereal and then between 7-9oz in a bottle at bed time.
He does have about 2-3 yogurts a day depending on how he has eaten.
hmm-bit confused now!
actually just remembered that she does have custard (which of course has milk in it) so she probably is hitting about 16oz if you include the uk we are told to include dairy products such as yoghurts etc in LOs calcium intake (or at least thats what my HV said)
think i might ring my HV tomorrow and double check!!!
I've heard that it had to be at least 16 oz of dairy every day...
In the UK our HV advice that they need to have a pint a day, including any dairy.
It is so strange how it varies from country to country. It can get so confusing :-\