ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: annsa on January 14, 2007, 07:14:17 am

Title: need help with routine please.
Post by: annsa on January 14, 2007, 07:14:17 am
My dd is 4 months 2 weeks old. I've tried starting the easy several time but can't seem to work out a routine as she doesn't seem to follow any pattern. I know it's just that I'm not managing the time properly but I get so confused.
Here's a sample of our "routine" at the moment.
5/5.30am: wakes up I feed her and she takes approx 6oz.
6/6.10am : put her back in cot ( i go to work at this time) and she sleeps till 7.30(i get home at 7.30.
7.30: I wake the other children and husband for work and school, make lunches and breakfasts.
8am: I give her a small breakfast of baby porridge. She watches the other children get ready and "plays" till 9am: She's tired now but if I put her down she will only nap for 30-40 mins sometimes.
Wash and dress her taking my time and keeping her busy till 9.45
9.45/10: nap in cot till 12ish.
12: feed her she takes between 4 and 6 oz approx. Plays until 1.30/1.45. I get her ready to go out now and between 1.50/2.00 we get into the car to collect ds from school. She naps at this time. The journey there and back takes approx an hour.
3.30/3.45: she takes a bottle between 4 and 6oz again.
Then at 5ish she gets tired and cranky. If I keep her awake till 7 she's too tired to take a feed at all. If I let her nap at this time she doesn't wake again till middle of the night so she still doesn't get another feed. 
If asleep from 5pm she wakes between 1 and 2 am for feed takes 6oz. Then again at 4am give her a pacifier till 5. If asleep since 7pm she wakes between 2.30 and 3am for a feed(6oz). Then at 5am the day is off again. Some days she doesn't take her bottles well and the baby nurse told me to give her solids on those days so she's getting something. She loves the spoon and find she'll refuse the bottle as she thinks she'll get the spoon but I think it's only getting confusing.
If anyone can give me a routine I can follow I would be extremely grateful. The snags in my day are.
Can't depend on dh to follow the routine to the letter and I'm not home from work till 7.30 am.
Need the baby fed before we take the school trip at 1.50/2pm so that she doesn't howl the whole time.
She is an early riser 5am but will always go back from 6-7ish no matter how the night went and can't stay awake in the evenings.
BTW I am the same. Can get up at 5 no problem but by 8pm I'm exhausted and am nearly always in bed by 9.
Tried the dream feed at 11ish but once she goes asleep she won't let the bottle into her mouth.
Sorry this is so long but would greatly Appreciate any input.
With Gratitude
Title: Re: need help with routine please.
Post by: * Paula * on January 14, 2007, 21:29:19 pm
Hi Ann,

Welcome to the boards.

Here are some sample routines that you can have a look at.

You said that your nurse said to you on days that your lo does not take much milk, to offer solids.  I would watch that your lo does not fill up too much on solids.  At this age all solid foods should be tasters, and milk is still their main source of nutrician.

Have you tried giving your lo a cat nap at around 5 pm for about 45 minutes just to help her through to bedtime at 7:00.

You could also try clusterfeeding - offering a bottle at around 5:00 and then again at 7:00 to help your lo tank up a bit.

What size teat are you using?  Do yo think your lo could be bored with the flow?  Have you tried offering her the next stage up to see if she takes any more of a feed?  DF does not always work for lo's my DS would never take a dream feed either.
Title: Re: need help with routine please.
Post by: annsa on January 15, 2007, 08:55:15 am
Thanks for the reply Tom Tom's Mum.
My lo is on the fast flow teat. I did copy out one of the routines yesterday morning as I was up since 3.30 am and stuck to it very well. However if I let her nap at 5ish she won't wake up. She just won't let the bottle near her mouth.
The routine yesterday was   
E 8,
A 8-10
S 10-12
E 12,
A 12-2
S 2-4
E 4
A 4-5ish
S 5-5.45
Bath & pj's 6-6.30
E 6.45
Bed at 7ish.

Went like clock work until at the sleep 2-4 she slept only till 3 and wanted to feed. She only took 4 oz plus small amount of veg puree.
Then she napped at 4.30 and I had to wake her at 6 with much difficulty. Let her play for a bit, bath at 6.30 bottle at 6.50 she only took 3 oz.
She woke at 2am took 5oz and 5.30 took 3oz.
Does this seem ok or should I change it around do you think.
Sorry for going on and on.
Title: Re: need help with routine please.
Post by: * Paula * on January 15, 2007, 20:13:24 pm
Hi Ann,

The routine that you tried to follow looks good.

When she is taking her bottles how many oz is she taking now compared to usual?  Do you think she could be teething?  When my DS was teething he would often refuse on only take small amounts from bottles.

We also found that when he was teething that he would take more milk in the night that in the day as he would be half asleep.

If you suspect that it could be teething, I would try rubbing some teething gel on her gums before a bottle to see if this helps.

How many solids feed is she having a day?
Title: Re: need help with routine please.
Post by: annsa on January 16, 2007, 08:56:07 am
Thanks for the reply again Tom Tom's mum.
The routine went well, she takes about 6 oz, gets 2 small solids, baby porridge after 8 am bottle and veg puree after 4pm bottle.
Was happy enough to go with the 2 am and 5am feeds with the hope that they'd dwindle out but my not so D h at the minute was supposed to do the 2am feed last night. He kept giving soother till 3.10 then took her downstairs to feed for half an hour. When he put her back she slept till 6, only took 3oz then didn't go back to sleep. At 8 she was looking for brekkie only took 3oz but managed to sneak another 1 1/2 into porridge. Then she couldn't keep her eyes open and was asleep by 8.30am.
Sorry for the rant but I'm back to square 1 again. "d" h can't see what the big deal is as I was only doing the routine a couple of days anyway.
Guess if I want to get her settled on it I'll have to do it all myself.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
Title: Re: need help with routine please.
Post by: * Paula * on January 16, 2007, 21:02:53 pm

I was just having a look at your routine again, and I see you have not mentioned a dreamfeed.  Have you tried a dreamfeed at all?

This may help your lo tank up a bit more and could help a bit with the night wakings.