ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: FionaS on May 22, 2007, 22:14:08 pm

Title: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: FionaS on May 22, 2007, 22:14:08 pm
Is it normal for slightly older grumpy / touchy babies to have short A times?  My lo is 9mths at the end of this week and still only manages 2hours up. Sometimes, like this morning, she doesn't even make it to 2 hours before she is really upset and needs to go to bed.  Sometimes she will go closer to 3 if we are out but she gets very grumpy.  She is very grumpy most of the time and grizzles a lot. Her naps are excellent (she has 3 per day) and she sleeps 12 hours straight at night.

Just wondering when she'll extend out as she's been on 2 hours A for a couple of months now and although I'm grateful that she sleeps well, I'm finding the A times restricting and am concerned that she is so far behind her peers.  She is also not yet rolling or crawling but will use our hands to pull to stand and can take some steps.  She is very vocal and has developed good fine motor skills such as clapping  & waving.

Most people say their babies are so lovely at this age but we are finding it hard as our girl is so grumpy and due to the fact she get's so tired is often intolerent of outings etc.

Any ideas on what we can expect over the next month or so?  Do A times eventually get longer and grumpies eventually get less grumpy?
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: FionaS on May 22, 2007, 22:16:12 pm
Sorry, this may need to go the EASY forum, please move if that is the case :)
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: em_here on May 23, 2007, 09:07:47 am
No advice but I have a touchy lo, 4 months old.  I think if she sleeps well and it works for you its all good.  Hopefully when she is walking she will be more tolerant about things as there is so much world to explore.  Sounds great she is so vocal, I think every baby have their own skills, some aren't so physical but really brainy.  If you are worried a trip to your HV or ped should help as they can advise much better than we can. Hope that helps a little.  My lo isn't tolerant of overstimulation either!!!
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: Jaime on May 23, 2007, 12:07:59 pm
here's what i've experienced with ds....   that first A time may never be longer than 2 hours until your lo goes to one nap (that can actually occur with all types, not just grumpy).  throughout the day, you will eventually see A times extending past 2 hrs.

as far as the grumpiness... once we got past a year i began to see a huge change.  there was a lot less grumpiness because he could do far more for himself - which is what he really wants.  now, at almost 2.5, he is essentially textbook/grumpy - textbook when things are 'normal' and grumpy when things are unexpected or he gets frustrated.  people who have known him since he was born are so surprised at how different he is now, but he is not as mad at the world as he was as an infant.

HTH a little  :)
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: FionaS on May 23, 2007, 21:26:35 pm
Thanks for your replies.  I've been feeling quite frustrated as although I want to love my girl for who she is, it is hard having a baby that is so tense and, like you say, mad with the world.  There don't seem to be many grumpy /touchy babies out there.  She has always grizzled most of the time but is really bad at the moment. We are seeing a lot of crying, tantrums and grizzling.  Is it normal for these types to get very unsettled before milestones such as walking?  I think she may skip rolling and crawling all together as she just wants to stand all the time.  Her grumpiness seems worse since the standing started.  Should we expect her to settle down once she starts walking?  That is a bit scary as I presume walking may still be months away!

On a slightly different note we are trying to praise good behaviour and ignore tantrums, but it is hard to know what to do when they are so young..
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: newmom7 on May 24, 2007, 15:46:51 pm
Hi! I understand about the grumpiness. I have a spirited baby who we believe is part grumpy and it is SO HARD. He fusses all the time when trying to learn milestones ( for ex. crawling which is what he is trying to do right now-he is 8 1/2 mo).  If he can't do something when he wants it, he cries. Also, he will get so frustrated at times (usually when in his high chair or exersaucer) that he makes fists, his face turns red and he almost kinda growls. He will do this kinda out of nowhere, and we have no idea why he is upset.  The only time he seems happy is if he is achieving what he wants or watching a Baby Einstein DVD, I guess b/c he is distracted. I am hoping that things get easier as he grows. I understand what it is like to feel guilty b/c you wish you had an easier/happier baby.  I know its not my ds' fault, but when the weekend comes all I want to do is get time alone away from that constant grizzle and fuss.
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: FionaS on May 25, 2007, 05:23:35 am
This week has been horrid.  Our girl has barely made it to 2 hours up and been really, REALLY grumpy. Rather than just grizzles we've had lots of crying and tantrums.  Could we put this down to milestones i.e. wanting to get mobile?  Life has been far from fun!  I don't see any signs of teething.
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: newmom7 on May 27, 2007, 22:29:07 pm
It definitely could be milestones/mobility in my opinion... I've heard from many moms that it can be a frustrating time for a baby and very disruptive to sleep, etc.  Our ds has been in a better mood for the past few days. I've been trying to think about what changed so maybe my thoughts can help you... Have there been any routine changes lately...even slight ones? For ex. I realized that my dh couldn't do bath and bedtimes with our lo for about 3-4 days in a row so maybe my ds just had enough of mom and missed daddy?  ;D When my dh got back to the routine and spent more time with him, our lo's mood seemed to improve ALOT.

Another thought...sometimes our lo also fusses or cries alot when he is bored or needs a change of scenery or different type of activities. As far as teething...I heard some babies don't really show any signs except alot of crying suddenly, then a tooth pops through. Our lo gets swollen gums so it's a little easier to tell. Plus he chomps alot.  Sorry you had such a bad week. Believe me I understand how hard it can be and you feel so badly for your lo.

Hope these thoughts helped a little bit. Hang in there!  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy / Touchy Babies and A Time
Post by: Jaime on May 28, 2007, 00:36:03 am
in addition to newmom7's good advice, keep in mind too, that the Touchy baby actually handles a little less A time than 'normal'.