EAT => Food Allergies => Topic started by: ~Faye~ on April 19, 2008, 18:33:13 pm

Title: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: ~Faye~ on April 19, 2008, 18:33:13 pm
I've been looking through posts on both of these and can't work out which the issue could be.

Ellie has always spat up ALOT. All the time. Even an hour or so after feeding. Sometimes it is just possetting, other tims it's a load of mucousy milk. She totally stinks when she farts, they are like adult ones :-X Her poo is very mucousy and sticky. She is really snotty all the time but I normally put that down to the pneumonia. She has eczema on the back of her knee.

I am wondering about an allergy as I caught my MIL giving her a chocolate button at about 8 weeks or so >:(

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: binxyboo on April 19, 2008, 19:00:15 pm
Are you still exclusively nursing?

Riley was sensitive to dairy and his excema would flare up if I ate too much dairy.
GRRRRR on the chocolate button.
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: Tamara on April 19, 2008, 21:18:59 pm

OMG @ you MIL - WTH????

((HUGS)) Faye as I know nothing (as Manuel would say  ;)) about allergies  
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: fitfamily on April 19, 2008, 23:32:41 pm
does she seem to be uncomfortable?  The signs you've described seem like an intolerance.  The stinky wind, excema and excessive mucous in diaper are flags.  My ds had all those signs.  Plus, his soiled diapers were green.   He was extremely uncomfortable and had silent reflux.  I say this b/c intolerances can easily be linked with reflux.  If Bf'ding start with no dairy for 2wks and see if skin clears and diapers are better.  The wet congestion may also be reflux.  It may be silent if you don't see milk spewing out.  That was a good signal for us (along with back arching).
HTH, Ashley
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 20, 2008, 00:16:34 am
well I am now the proud mama of two badly refluxing/non allergic children. ;) and we have never had an "untoward" nappy ikwim. The mucous and stuff would make me think NOT reflux OR she could have a bit of both...

lurve you xx
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: ~Faye~ on April 20, 2008, 20:53:38 pm
Thankyou :-*

Michelle, I'm not exclusively BF at the moment. When I had almost no milk I started on a bottle a day of formula, didn't even have anything to express, I tried and nothing ever happened. But my milk supply is slowly getting better, we are having a few issues still with her not wanting to feed.

Ashley, She is really uncomfy. She is normally a really happy baby, so smiley until she has fed and going for a sleep. She still seems to have issues after her A time when I put her down for sleep (does that make sense?) Her nappies aren't green. They are yellow but not typical yellow, not sure how to describe it. She does spew alot, today really bad. It's alot like cottage cheese and smells odd too. That's why I've wondered about reflux. When you say back arching do you mean when feeding? We have a lot of that. She'll feed for a bit then arch off and cry, go back on for a bit arch off and cry. We go round and round like that so she gets very windy. :(

Today she has been very bad with throwing up so I went and bought a small tub of soya formula for her bottle, gave it to her tonight and was shocked at how easy she was to put down. Back to normal. We had been going through a rigmarole of feeding her, BF or bottle, winding her for about 30 mins, putting her down and after about 30 seconds she would be squirming, bringing her legs up, crying and seemed to be in pain. Once she was sick, burped and farted she would finally settle down. Tonight she had the soya, I burped her in 5 mins, layed her down and she went off just like she used to :o ;D

So I was thinking of doing a non dairy diet this next couple of weeks. I was going to have soya. Is it all dairy or just cows? Can I have goats? What about as an ingredient in things? Just want to make sure I do it right :-*

Sharon, lurve you too :-*
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: Jimbob on April 21, 2008, 12:29:05 pm
First of all I am sorry your dd is going through this. It sounds like your lo is allergic/intollerant to dairy and also has symptoms of reflux to. I know of a lot of babies that suffer with reflux that also have food allergies/intollerances.

First of all I would eliminate all dairy even hidden dairy in foods. Once your dd is back to baseline then you could try reintroducing hidden dairy and see if your dd reacts to it. You could also do this with goats milk products but not at the same time so that if your dd's symptoms return you will no what caused them.

Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: ~Faye~ on April 21, 2008, 14:28:28 pm
First of all I would eliminate all dairy even hidden dairy in foods.

I was afraid you'd say that :'( But then I've done it before so I can do it again. Just a shame it's all together with me feeling bleurgh and can't be bothered with food and eating properly. This will probably help me as well. Thanks Kelly :-*

How long does it take to get out her system and out my milk? Just wondering how long it takes before you start to see an improvement?

Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: anniedooday on April 21, 2008, 18:53:23 pm
please check out my post about pyloric stenosis that is what my daughter had, she spitt constantly, hope it helps good luck and happy laundering ;)
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: *Nicola* on April 21, 2008, 19:58:38 pm
Faye huge ((Hugs)) my lovely
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: Jimbob on April 21, 2008, 20:41:38 pm
Most people start to see some improvements after a week, for my son it took 2 weeks before any major differences. I think most are back to baseline by 6 weeks unless there are other foods causing issues.

Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: ~Faye~ on April 21, 2008, 20:54:35 pm
Thanks Kelly. At least I won't be thinking it will happen straight away or after a few weeks if nothing has happened I'll know it's not that.

Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: Eden&Connor'sMom on May 20, 2008, 19:08:59 pm
I've been reading on reflux and cow's milk allergy (CMA) and it seems that CMA can cause reflux in a child whose system is not otherwise immature. In other words, the CMA causes reflux rather than something physiological. My DS seems to have some of the same issues as yours: bad gas, some spit up, snotty. I am about to go on the elimination diet in earnest (reading all labels, writing down what I eat). As per an abstract from the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, their test for allergic reaction involves following the elimination diet for two weeks. I'm going to do that for milk and see what happens.
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: ~Faye~ on May 20, 2008, 21:19:28 pm
Oh, thanks for that info. I think you may have got something there. Her reflux symptoms seem so much better since stopping most dairy. She's starting on solids and I gave her a shop bought jar of porridge, she was back to how she normally was. She had bad gas, spitting again, tummy ache, etc....... Not given her any with dairy and back to normal! Let me know how you get on with the diet.

Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: lhuberdeau on June 05, 2008, 03:31:53 am
Hello! I'm new to this... and I have read your posts... what do you know about the risk of my child to be allergic to dairy if he is intolerant to milk products as I am breastfeeding?
Title: Re: Food allergy or reflux?
Post by: ~Faye~ on June 09, 2008, 20:26:39 pm
I don't really know. But I found that with me cutting out dairy and changing her formula when she had a bottle all helped. But it is probably best to make sure when you wean that you leave dairy for a while. How old is your LO?
