EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: eva026 on September 07, 2012, 16:30:05 pm

Title: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 07, 2012, 16:30:05 pm
Hi there!

DD started herself on solids at about 5mo when she grabbed my banana and ate it so I figured she was ready.
We started off with just giving her stuff to taste and lick while we were eating.
She really enjoys it and we have started her on a few other things over the last 2 weeks given when we eat because she was getting really mad when we ate and she didn't get anything.
I've kind of been wondering if I'm doing it right because a few family members have been commenting and now I feel a bit confused.

We aren't doing jars, just stewed fruit and veg (apple, pear, banana, prunes, carrots, potato, avocado) but I'm not making a smooth purée, just mashing them up with a fork so they are still pretty lumpy. Is this ok or is she too little for this consistency?

Also, she has a love/hate relationship with a spoon. Sometimes she'll be fine with it, other times she clamps her mouth shut and tries to grab it and feed herself. That doesn't work well because she's too eager and rams it down her throat making herself puke. I've been giving her food in a mesh feeder but family members have said that this way she continues to suck and I'm not  teaching her how to chew and pass food to the back of her mouth. I'd be fine with dropping the spoon totally and using the feeder but now I don't know. I am considering BLW but I think we'll wait a bit with it because I'm a bit scared of her choking (she stuffs food down her throat the same way as the spoon).

I think she has also gotten a bit constipated (although not in any obvious pain) because it's been 8 days since her last poop - a record so far. I've read the FAQ about laxative foods and gave her stewed pruned and pears for her 3 meals today and we'll see how it goes.

As to portion sizes, I have been giving her about 1tblsp 3 times a day in addition to BFing. More family member comments here about how I should be giving her as much as she wants and at 6 mo the 3 meals should be replacing 3 BFs. She can go 3.5h between feeds but now that she's outgrowing the 45min naps our feeding has gone all wonky as the 3.5h is in the middle of a nap.
Right now we do:
7.30wu BF
8.30 1 tblsp solids
9.30 BF (otherwise she wont make it to the end of her nap)
9.45 S
1.30 solids 1tblsp
2.15 S
4.00WU BF
6.00 Solids 1tblsp
6.30 BF
6.45 CN (in theory but she's difficult to get down)
7.30 BF
8.00 BT
11.30pm DF

So as you can see I haven't replaced any BFs at all, have even kept the CF in the evening since she still takes it. She's very little for her age (6.3kg) and I feed her as much as she'll take because she till fits in some 3mo clothes! That's also why I'm so hesitant to drop any BFs. I was under the impression that BM should be the main food source till 1yo but how to do that when LO gets 3 meals a day??

Sorry about the long post and tons of questions, I just don't really know what I'm doing:/

Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Lemonthyme on September 08, 2012, 09:45:42 am
Opinions have changed in recent years and at 6 months nowadays the aim isn't to replace feeds so much but more to be alongside breastfeeding.  I wouldn't aim to really start to reduce feeds (during the day anyway) until nearer 8/9 months.

Just wanted to say, good on you.  You're following her cues, breastfeeding alongside (which recent thinking suggests might reduce allergy risk) and going for texture / finger foods.  6 months is fine to give mashed foods.

Breastfed babies can actually go for 2 weeks without pooing.  Unless she's in pain or it goes on for another week say, I wouldn't worry.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: becj86 on September 09, 2012, 01:51:52 am
Solids at this age are about fun and tasting. They're not as high in calories as breastmilk, so you're best off keeping the milk consumption at the same level if you can (people post on NW's when their LO is waking hungry because they've been replacing milk with solids too early).

Re: BLW - check this thread out [

I was under the impression that BM should be the main food source till 1yo but how to do that when LO gets 3 meals a day??
This is right. Basically you just offer meals about an hour after milk feeds. It changes as LO's A times extend, and naps drop, etc. but its possible and we're always happy to help you find a routine that fits your DD's needs as she grows.

My DS was a spoon-grabber too - just wanted to get the food in NOW! We went to a BLW approach and he did a lot better. There was some gagging when he put huge amounts of food in his mouth at once, but he learnt how much he could fit in there eventually :P
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: nona on September 09, 2012, 03:59:32 am
what kind of spoon are your using? mine are scooped out, a bit harder to stick way in the back of the throat (so far)

i use 2 spoons and give one to DD and she basically sucks off the spoon herself and i'm loading up the next one & then we "trade". i'd rather her learn to feed herself anyway. my DS was the same way and loved having the spoon to hold/play/feed with.  the spoons i'm using are made by sassy & oxo brand (not sure if you have those)

i also let her just put her hand in the food and play and suck it off her fingers.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 09, 2012, 12:40:37 pm
Will google the spoon Heather. We are just using a plastic spoon I found at home.

Breastfed babies can actually go for 2 weeks without pooing.  Unless she's in pain or it goes on for another week say, I wouldn't worry.

Ok I was under the impression that it was only while the were EBF, I though when solids started that changed.
The prune pear mix did the trick though:)

we'll continue what we are doing then. I think it's a mix of everything BLW, mesh feeder, spoons etc. Maybe when she's older I'll have the guts to do full on BLW

Thanks for your answers!:)
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 09, 2012, 13:28:08 pm
Sorry, just one more question I just remembered.
SIL said to do a gluten and diary test on DD ie to give a small amount of gluten and milk (not at the same time ofc) and see if she reacts to determine if she has an allergy.
I've honestly never heard of that, is she right?
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Lemonthyme on September 09, 2012, 15:45:25 pm
Neither have I.  I'd just give gluten containing cereals in small quantities after 6 months.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Buntybear on September 09, 2012, 15:45:59 pm
Hi, Olly became a bit constipated when we started solids, I think it is due to their stomachs getting used to digesting the new foods. Things like rice and banana can bung them up too.

If there is a history of allergies in your family then you could trial the gluten and milk as your SIL suggested. Some people do it with all foods - we did!
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 09, 2012, 16:40:43 pm
If there is a history of allergies in your family then you could trial the gluten and milk as your SIL suggested. Some people do it with all foods - we did!

SILs daughter had/has bad allergies. She was on the ED the whole time she BF and now the kid is 6 and has pollen, animal, dust, chocolate etc allergies.
As fas as I know she's the only one on DH's side and on my side there has never been anyone. DD has also, thus far, not reacted to anything besides perfumed wipes for her bum.
I'm wondering about the dangers of introducing milk and gluten too early like the whole thing about it going through the stomach lining and the bodies antibodies attacking it etc causing an allergy - or is that only in the first 6mo?

Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Buntybear on September 09, 2012, 17:00:42 pm
Well for the sake of a few days then I would just go careful with the milk and gluten then. Use the 3 day rule.

I think you are referring to the Virgin Gut theory which is somthing I don't know much about. In my experience I believe Olly was born with his allergies. He reacted to tiny amounts of formula milk from the very first instance. From the age of 3 weeks to about 5.5 months he had nothing but breast milk and still has allergies to wheat and eggs. Just MHO.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Lemonthyme on September 10, 2012, 12:06:40 pm
Probably sensible to try it over 3 days and check for any reaction but I don't think the "open gut" theory is based upon any hard science I can tell and even they say it's fine after 6 months.  Some research has even suggested giving allergenic foods early is a good idea.  The jury is out but currently advice in the UK anyway is to keep allergenic foods till after 6 months but from then it's fine.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 10, 2012, 17:38:58 pm
I introduce new things every 2-3 days anyway so it should be fine.
So you think I should do the gluten and milk test to see how she reacts or just wait till she's older (think it was 8mo for gluten and 1y for milk)?
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 11, 2012, 12:08:23 pm
We've just come back from our ped check up and I'm feeling a bit confused.
Our regular dr was out and this one was not at all happy with DD's weight gain and said to introduce more solids esp meat and carbs with gluten, so she picks up weight faster. Apparently she should have doubled her birth weight in the 4th mo not in the 6th......
Birth weight 3.200kg, She was 5.500kg (12.12lbs) at 3mo, 5.885kg (12.97lbs) at 4.5mo and now is 6.425kg (14.16) at 6mo.
Now I have in my head that BM has more calories but I can't help having doubts after hearing that from a professional:/
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Buntybear on September 11, 2012, 12:35:32 pm
Sounds like she is gaining good amounts of weight to me! BM does have more calories but can be supplemented by good solid foods.

In terms of gluten and milk has she suffered any symptoms of food allergies yet? Ie reflux, eczema, rashes, vomiting etc? If not I would introduce them now.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 11, 2012, 13:32:30 pm
I think she got a slight rash on one cheek 1 day after trying avocado but I kind of ignored it because it was just a few skin coloured dots.
I'm boiling some turkey breast with carrots, potatoes and green beans for her lunch and will maybe do oatmeal for breakfast in 2 days to get some carbs into her.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 11, 2012, 14:07:06 pm
Actually a thought just occurred to me. I have been using wet wipes to clean her face after eating. The same wipes gave her a red bum after a few days of use. It could be that that caused the rash. Will try switch to the sensitive ones and see.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Buntybear on September 11, 2012, 18:20:59 pm
Sounds like a plan  :)
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: becj86 on September 12, 2012, 02:39:41 am
I always thought it was double birthweight by 6 months and treble it by 12 months... will check for you xx
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Erin M on September 12, 2012, 03:02:00 am
I always thought it was double birthweight by 6 months and treble it by 12 months... will check for you xx
This is exactly what I heard -- will dig up some info for you tomorrow (on my way to bed now) if no one else has.  And yes, breastmilk has way more calories than solids.  Not sure what the doctor is reading???
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: becj86 on September 12, 2012, 03:23:25 am
This says double by 4-6months...
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 12, 2012, 05:32:21 am
I guess he took the lower end then?
She is still pretty small for her age, 3rd perc according to  chart I have in her medical book so it wouldn't be bad to fatten her up a bit.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Erin M on September 12, 2012, 17:24:13 pm
There are also charts that the WHO made for BF babies some years back
Using this chart
taken from this link
she's hanging out right now somewhere between the 15th and 50th percentile.  I'm not telling you what you should/shouldn't do in terms of solids, I just want you not to get hung up on numbers, as I've seen lots of moms do that and worry when there's no real reason to do so. 
There's a ton of information here about weight gain: -- but just quickly, slower growth one month usually has more to do with a baby becoming more aware/more mobile.  If she's hitting milestones and is generally happy, she's doing great.  :)

Actually a thought just occurred to me. I have been using wet wipes to clean her face after eating. The same wipes gave her a red bum after a few days of use. It could be that that caused the rash. Will try switch to the sensitive ones and see.
And I've found this to be true as well in our case.  :)
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 12, 2012, 19:18:33 pm
Thanks ladies, it makes me feel better. I know that she's small but doing ok but hearing from a healthcare professional that you aren't feeding your baby is not nice:(
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Erin M on September 12, 2012, 21:11:45 pm
I can totally understand that. Sadly, it seems as if our healthcare professionals are not always up to date on current breastfeeding research. 
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Buntybear on September 12, 2012, 21:29:02 pm
Thanks ladies, it makes me feel better. I know that she's small but doing ok but hearing from a healthcare professional that you aren't feeding your baby is not nice:(

Err - I just read through yur original EASY and you are feeding her 11 times a day!
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 13, 2012, 06:29:25 am
 I now have to do top ups before naps otherwise she doesn't make it through. She can go 3.5h between feeds, A times are at 2.5h and naps 2h at a time. She doesn't swallow much solids yet though, most end up on her bib/face/hair/floor etc. She has also always cluster fed in the evening and takes a full feed each time.
I'm up foe suggestions if you think I should change anything.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Lemonthyme on September 13, 2012, 19:57:19 pm
She's only 6 months!  At 6 months babies don't eat much!

At 6 months though you can make food more interesting and calorie filled (think butter, cheese, oil, meat, carbs etc.)  You may want to introduce things slowly but don't just stick with fruit and veg purees because they aren't full of calories.  Or at least make it carrot and swede puree with butter, cauliflower cheese, pureed roasted veg (roasted in olive oil), fish and broccoli puree with mash, milk and cheese, beef with sweet potato etc, etc.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 14, 2012, 05:49:58 am
Isn't she too young for cheese and broccoli? I though it was from 8mo?
Thanks for the tip about olive oil, I've just added some to her breakfast of pumpkin/turkey/apple, we'll she if she likes it.
I do plan to do more than fruit and veg, it's just taking some time because I wait 3 days before introducing a new thing.

A question kind of off the subject.
AF is inc and my supply is really low, even with fenugreek. Do I supplement with frozen BM or can I just increase her solids for a few days till things pick up again?
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Lemonthyme on September 14, 2012, 11:19:02 am
Advice varies from country to country but in the UK Health Visitors say hard cheese and broccoli are fine from 6 months.

My AF came back after 4 months despite breastfeeding pretty much round the clock.  He did get a bit fussy during my AF for a day or so but the best thing for breastmilk supply is to feed often so you might be better BF a little more often to up your supply as using frozen may compound issues but I'm not an expert.  Anyone else got any ideas?
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Erin M on September 14, 2012, 11:31:30 am
Calcium supplements are supposed to help the dip in supply -- info here:
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 14, 2012, 15:57:28 pm
Will do, thanks:)
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Lemonthyme on September 14, 2012, 16:06:12 pm
Ooh from memory aren't oats meant to help too?  Eating well, drinking plenty of fluids would also be a good idea IMO.  Rest a bit.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Erin M on September 14, 2012, 16:22:39 pm
Yes, oats are supposed to boost supply too.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: eva026 on September 14, 2012, 19:17:31 pm
I went through this last AF, since then I have been eating oats for breakfast every day, taking 2 3x day fenugreek and have just started the calcium. Think I'm doing all I can. 
Luckily we are on solids this time because last time my supply was down 1.5 weeks and DD was not a happy baby, maybe I can tide her over with 'real food'.

We are slowly expanding our menu by 2 new things a week and I'm trying to sneak oats and turkey into every meal along with olive oil into the veg.
I think I'll wait another month with dairy and gluten to be on the safe side.
Title: Re: Started solids 2 weeks ago, so many questions
Post by: Lemonthyme on September 16, 2012, 08:12:57 am
If it lasted 1.5 weeks, it might have felt that supply was low but it might actually have just coincided with a growth spurt.  My medical herbalist SIL also suggested a good multivitamin suitable for nursing mothers to make sure you're getting enough and not run down.