SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: bellmaine on October 19, 2005, 09:15:58 am

Title: Spitting up alot
Post by: bellmaine on October 19, 2005, 09:15:58 am

I have a question about spitting up.  My daughter is 2 weeks old and is eating about 3 - 4 ounces every 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  I burp her really good and make sure I hold her up after she is finished, but she spits up for about 5 times give or take and does it almost until the next feeding.  I thought maybe this could be reflux but she is not crying or seem in pain.  Does anyone have any suggestions because it is waking her up during the night and for her naps?

Title: Spitting up alot
Post by: ryan's mum on October 19, 2005, 09:51:51 am
this is how our ds was at that age and we hadn't heard about wasn't untill 4 mths that things got worse and the crying started.he would constanly arch his back in bed and moan himself to sleep.he would also lift his legs and throw them down.he would wet gurgle all day long and constant does sound like reflux to me.this site gives you reflux symptoms and will give you a better idea if it is reflux. this helps
Title: Spitting up alot
Post by: Aarismom on October 19, 2005, 13:56:27 pm
Ours has had a spit up problem since birth. However, it wasn't reflux...she just couldn't keep it all down. We're not quite sure why. She still has that problem. It would happen a lot during naps and night time sleep as well.

What helped us was to treat it like reflux. We raised her matress about 20 degrees. We started putting her on her tummy to sleep (but that didn't happen until she had mastered head control at 2.5 months). She took quite a few naps in her car seat around your lo's age. We also put rice cereal in her bottle at night (not to help her sleep through the night...we knew that didn't help. However, it helped her keep her milk down, which was the point).

This helped, but didn't eliminate the problem. You might want to get it checked out and see if it is reflux. Until then, you can treat it as though it was reflux without the medication.

Sonya =P