SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: AGS Mom on February 26, 2006, 15:52:35 pm

Title: One year old waking 4 times per night!
Post by: AGS Mom on February 26, 2006, 15:52:35 pm
Please help--I have read most of the postings on night wakings and many apply to our problem, but I'm not sure where to start.  My son is 13 months old and still does not sleep through the night more than once every couple of weeks.  He wakes several times during the night and absolutely screams.  We have just recently tried cosleeping--he's not used to this --it's even worse!  Our pediatrician recommends letting him cry and that's it!
Below is his typical routine:

7 PM bath
7:30-8 cheerios, bottle, bedtime story and then bedtime.  He puts himself to sleep in his crib.
wakes 3-4 times during the night (different times each night)
5:30 AM he wakes up for the day (which seems to be too early, but he is ready to go!)
7 AM breakfast
10 AM snack
11:30 AM lunch
12-1 nap
2 PM snack
5:30 PM dinner

Please give suggestions--we are miserable tired household and have been for over a year!
Title: Re: One year old waking 4 times per night!
Post by: sa on February 26, 2006, 21:41:13 pm
when he screams during the night, do you go immediately to him? is he fully awake? or just screams with his eyes shut? what do you do? do you feed him? or just a cuddle?

my DS sometimes cry out in his sleep, may be dreaming, before i go to him, he fall back to sleep. if my DS is waken by something, he can usually put himself back to sleep by chewing his blanket. (always found blanket in his mouth). so how does your DS fall asleep? do you know? if not, may be spy on him, it might help you.

or do you think it's comfort factor? we have heater on throughout the night as we have quite a cold and drafty room. i figure out if i have the heater on all night, it will be very drying and very hot towards the morning. so i put a timer on and off each hour, and hang some wet towel in the room. otherwise DS will wake middle of the night due to thirst.

all i can think of at the moment. hope there will be more suggestion coming in.
Title: Re: One year old waking 4 times per night!
Post by: kim&savannah on February 26, 2006, 22:14:17 pm
We've had similiar problems with multiple night wakings despite putting herself to sleep.  I agree that some of it just seems to be the way dd sleeps and if we don't rush in, she will put herself back to sleep about half the time, which means I don't think she really needed us.  The other half, we're not always sure what the problem is.

One thing I noticed--it doesn't seem like your ds is getting enough sleep total--his nap is only 1 hour?  Have you tried putting him down earlier, either for nap, or night, or both?  He might sleep even later and better if he gets more sleep.  I know dd wakes earlier if she goes down later.  And at that age, she was needing two 1-1.5 hour naps.  Just a thought.

Title: Re: One year old waking 4 times per night!
Post by: Katet on February 27, 2006, 07:14:15 am
I'm looking at your day & thinking Chronically overtired with about 10 hours at night + 1 hour a day he has about 2 hours less than average. I would try 2 naps & an earlier bedtime for a while & I think you may find things improve if you can get him up to around 13 even 14 hours of sleep... overtired babies are very much prone to waking lots.