SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: imsmum on June 15, 2006, 15:47:04 pm

Title: how did you handle those 2nd year molars?
Post by: imsmum on June 15, 2006, 15:47:04 pm
I'm pretty sure that Margot, 22 months, is starting to get her 2nd year molars, although I can't see them.  Her sleep is very restless, and she often cries out and has been waking occasionally in the night briefly but for the most part going back to sleep on her own, only occasionally needing assistance from me. 

So how did you handle these dreaded molars?  I gave her motrin which worked for the specified 8 hours but then she was stirring every hour from 3:30 on but not enough for me to go in and risk waking her completely by giving her more meds.  Is there anything out there that can take them through the night? Did you have to alternate medications?  Any strategies to get through this teething would be most appreciated.  She is not a long sleeper to begin with so I'm concerned that if her sleep is very disturbed from teething that will push her right over the overtiredness edge.
Title: Re: how did you handle those 2nd year molars?
Post by: Harrisonsmummy on June 16, 2006, 11:26:05 am
Waiting to see if anyone has any good ideas too! I just can't tell whether it's teeth or not! Harrison woke for 2 hours last night - not obviously in pain, he wasn't overtired when he went to bed, just awake from 12am - 2am (went back off at about 1am, but then up 20 minutes later. Does Margot appear in pain when she wakes and it's teeth?
Title: Re: how did you handle those 2nd year molars?
Post by: imsmum on June 16, 2006, 15:10:38 pm
Not necessarily in pain but her sleep is very restless and disturbed even prior to her waking, she sounds like she's having bad dreams. This happens even during the first few hours of sleep which makes me think it's not overtiredness because she will usually be in a very deep sleep then if she is overtired and only cry out or wake briefly when she is moving from one sleep cycle to the next.  Now when she does wake it is often with a cry and she will cry briefly but I can't really say it's a cry of pain.  I've given her Motrin before bed the last 2 nights and her sleep has been much more settled during the first part of the night in particular, so I can't help but think there is some connection there. 
Title: Re: how did you handle those 2nd year molars?
Post by: Harrisonsmummy on June 20, 2006, 07:55:21 am
Harrison is playing follow on again, last couple of nights he has taken longer to settle and cried and woken briefly after about 40 mins of sleep, followed by night waking! Up this am at 4.30am! I can't remember the last time he woke shortly after gioing to bed, normally like Margot he is out of it for first 3 hours!

I can see no sign of teeth though - looks like it could be a long haul!!
Title: Re: how did you handle those 2nd year molars?
Post by: Khyan & Sahria's mum on June 20, 2006, 08:18:22 am
I'm right there with you both

If I don't give Khyan nurofen before bed then he is up 3 or so hours of the night - not crying or anything just tossing and turning, coming into our bedroom etc...

But we also have the added bonus of a total grumpy bum during the day who gets frustrated at EVERYTHING ! He has his finger rammed up the back of his mouth practically all day and is off his food.

I give hylands teething tabs during the day (homeopathics) and then nurofen during the night.

This situation has been going on for 3 or so weeks here and only now can I feel that 'something' is going on under those gums

I just hope that your LO's take a shorter time to cut those molars thru then what is happening here  :o
Title: Re: how did you handle those 2nd year molars?
Post by: Katie on June 20, 2006, 08:21:19 am
i just saw this post and had to say my daughter is the slllowest at gettin teeth she is 3 in august and just got these molars!!!!  her sleep has been a little disruptive but she asks for bonjella now when there sore, all i can say is thank goodness these are her last teeth to get!!!!