SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: gdynkin on June 19, 2006, 19:43:31 pm

Title: 2yrs old waking at 5am EVERY DAY!
Post by: gdynkin on June 19, 2006, 19:43:31 pm

My son is 2 years old. For the past 3-4 months he has been waking up at 5am EVERY DAY! He is in a toddler bed and knows how to open the door to his room and come into our bedroom. This is really too early for my husband and me!

We have a bedtime routine of bath, bottle of milk, hugs and he is usually asleep between 7:30 and 8:00. He also still wakes up in the middle of the night and asks for more milk (we usually give in, but now we're trying to get him off of this). In my opinion this is not enough sleep for his age. (He also has a 2.5 - 3 hours nap during the day)

Please help me extend his sleep...

Thank you

Joshua 3.31.04
Benjamin 4.12.06
Title: Re: 2yrs old waking at 5am EVERY DAY!
Post by: Florencia on June 19, 2006, 20:02:58 pm
Yes Galina you're absolutely right. 9 or 9.5 hours of night sleep is not enough for a 2 year old, especially with some night wakings in the mix. It is a good think he's compensating with the up to 3 hour nap but still he should be getting at least 10 hours straight.

I will suggest you redirecting him to his bed. Once he wakes, let him in his bed. If he cries for you, go to him, console him and walk out the door. If he starts crying again, you do the same (wi, console, wo) till he settles or till it's time to get up. If he stands and goes to your bed, you stand up, explain him it's too early, we have to sleep more, whatever you want in a short, gentle and clear sentence and redirect him to his bed. The following times he stands and goes to get you you just redirect him without eye contact or words (just explain the first time). It will be a tough job the very first days but qwith consistancy he'll get the idea that there's no point in waking since he won't be allowed in mommy's bed.

Some girls around here have had some success with a baby gate at lo's door. ALthough many of them are reluctant to use it, sp. when there's another sibling that needs to sleep (baby gate can cause lo to cry out loud and wake older/younger siblings). It's up to you if you think this solution can fit your lo's temperament.

TO get rid of the night bottle, just reduce the amount you give to him with water till eventually you're just offering plain water and he'll realize that there's no point in waking to get water only. You can also try tracy's approach of toddler pd (described in the FAQ section) and stop offering any kind of bottle (be it milk or water) in the middle of the night, if you're positive he's not waking from hunger. Once he wakes and asks for bottle, you just go, lay him down and reassure but don't offer anything. Again it's your call and you'll decide what solution will fit best for you and lo.

Good luck and keep us posted with questions and progress!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: 2yrs old waking at 5am EVERY DAY!
Post by: Wife and Mummy. on June 19, 2006, 20:33:48 pm
my dd does that she wakes all through the night then is up at 5.00 everyday its killing me.she has a good routine too.and she always wakes her big sister ,so naughty.
Title: Re: 2yrs old waking at 5am EVERY DAY!
Post by: imsmum on June 20, 2006, 13:44:22 pm
There are a bunch of us on this board whose 2 year olds have dropped down to 9.5 hour nights so you are definitely not alone!!  Your lo seems to be making up for the lack of night sleep with the nap so he seems to be getting about 12 hours total which is not that far off the map, so I wouldn't be tto concerned that he is not getting enough sleep.  But since the early waking is a problem by all means go with Florencia's suggestion but don't be surprised if the nap also shortens.