SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: Alison_3 on September 25, 2006, 15:36:23 pm

Title: do molars really cause this much trouble? (2 year old)
Post by: Alison_3 on September 25, 2006, 15:36:23 pm
Okay, I think my almost 2 year old is getting the last of his teeth.  HOORAY!  However, this has been just awful.  He has no other symptoms of a cold or anything so I think it's teeth.  He keeps shoving anything he can in his mouth including his clothing!  He eats at least 3 popsicles a day to help the pain.  He keeps getting up around 4:00-4:30 a.m. and is just miserable.  I do give him Motrin & orajel before bedtime, but do you have any other suggestions?  I just feel so bad for him. 

I really can't feel or see anything in his long will this last??? 
Title: Re: do molars really cause this much trouble? (2 year old)
Post by: kellyann on September 25, 2006, 15:40:56 pm
Hi.....We are in the same boat over here.  My two boys have been waking early 5-530 for a month.  Also they sometimes cry out a few times during the night.  During the day they are fussy, drooling and putting everything back into their mouths.  This has been going on for about 2 months now. I'm so ready for this to be over.  When I feel back there I'm not feeling much but I think when the teeth are moving through the bone it is very uncomfortable for them.  Wish I had some advice.  Kelly
Title: Re: do molars really cause this much trouble? (2 year old)
Post by: Sarah˛ on September 25, 2006, 16:18:17 pm
Motrin before bed, Motrin at 4am when they wake, then try try try to get them back to sleep. It will pass - just try to get through it without too much accidental parenting.

Good luck!
Title: Re: do molars really cause this much trouble? (2 year old)
Post by: Florencia on October 02, 2006, 19:27:30 pm
During the worst episodes of the first molars, i'd use some homeopatical remedies along with the motrin...and when it was miserable i used gradual withdrawal. IT seems that the bigger the pain, there's more clingyness in the mix so to keep ds sleeping i moved to his room to reassure him whenever he'd jolt before he was widely awake. It was better than being woken up in the middle of the night by hystericall screams and taking 2 hours to go down again. I only did this for 2 weeks and it worked for us. Check with your ped tough, some of them are not into the homeopatical stuff...
Title: Re: do molars really cause this much trouble? (2 year old)
Post by: aidenmc on October 04, 2006, 17:37:29 pm
Was just going to post a new one on this. My DS is 15 months and has been miserable for the last month. He is waking often, waking early and fussing all morning. He's got 2-4 molars at various stages of working their way through. It is hard not to believe that there is something else wrong. I know he is sleep deprived. He is on 1 nap which ranges from 1.5-2.5 hrs, but at night he has been getting 8-10 hrs with repeated wake-ups. He is also very gassy. During an August trip to England, I got back into AP, breastfeeding him to sleep. He will start to have one or two good nights (waking only 1 or 2 times) and I will get psyched to get him to go to sleep independently, then we slip backward again. Teeth were just not such a big issue for DS #1. I keep trying figure out what else it could be. Very frustrating!

Title: Re: do molars really cause this much trouble? (2 year old)
Post by: Florencia on October 04, 2006, 19:07:42 pm
Hi Becky!

As hard as it is to accept, I've seen the perfect angel baby develop into a whiny monster just because of the teeth. And the best sleeper ever get only 9 hours total a day. Again due to teething. The hard part with this is that we sometimes think is something else and then get into AP, then when teeth are through, we have lot of issues to deal with.

With 4 molars working their way out i think it is pretty understandable why your ds is giving you such a tough time. Be consistant with a sleep training method (pick one in the FAQ section) to deal with his night wakings and resistance to go down. Combine it with a good dosage of meds (check with your ped, sometimes if they get to see how bad it is, they up the dosage or switch meds) and try your best not to AP him. It's better for you and for him to remain strong during this tough times so when things slow down, you won't have additional issues to get rid of.

HTH and good luck!
Title: Re: do molars really cause this much trouble? (2 year old)
Post by: * Paula * on October 04, 2006, 22:12:23 pm
We too are going through exactly the same thing.

My almost 15 month old has been suffering terribly.

Although he has been quite sickly lately, and what with cutting his molars through we have not gotten a full night's sleep in I don't know how long.

At the moment, DS has one molar with all 4 corners through and the other 3 just trying to push out.  His gums have been really swollen and he has been refusing to eat and drink.

We too have just been giving him teething gel as well as (UK) paracetamol and ibuprofen.  These seem to help a lot, although he does still wake, he does settle very quickly once he has had the meds.

These poor babies, what they have to go through.

Paula x