Hi all, my DD is a big big babe, on 91st centile for weight, and 98th for height. She has always been a poor milk drinker, has had such issues with the bottle she will now only have a max of 12-15ozs a day, thats 1 6oz bottle at night, 2oz in the morn, and 4 ozs at 4pm, the rest mixed in her food. The dietician told me to relax about it, only offer 3 bottles a day or maybe even 2, said i cannot make her have it. We tried a beaker, she loved it for one day and now despises it. She loves her solids, and was weaned at 4 months due to non feeding off the bottle. Doc has gave DD calcium supplements so I am quite comfortable she is getting the calcium she needs (she has MSPI so cannot give dairy/soy solids).
My concern is that the morning bottle is 2ozs! Why?! She will hold out for the breakfast solids, and when I give them she is not that bothered, although the rest of the solid meals are fantastic.
I am unsure whether this belongs here, or in solid food eating?! Surely my DD should be hungry after 14hours?! Or at least terrifiically thirsty enough to drink it all
Is there any way anyone has helped their babe feed better from a bottle? its not teething as she has always been like this, even though now the reflux has resolved. All she does is drink the 2-4ozs and starts swatting it, playing with it and dribbling it out. I try feeding her in a quiet room, to no avail, I even gave her a toy to play with which did not work. I am so worried she is going to be off milk feeds completely by 9 months. I know the solids are keeping the weight up, but I really want her to enjoy milk, she hates any form of liquid going into her mouth actually.
I know this has been a bit muddled, sorry at a bit of a loss!
Routine is as follows
9am Wake up (yes I know I should wake her earlier but I have been ill and can't face it!) Milk 2oz and rest in solids
10:30 Sleep 2 hrs
12:30 Lunch (dont offer bottle, no point she doesn't touch it)
3pm Sleep 1 - 1 1/2 hrs
4:30pm Bottle 4oz plus rest in dinner
7pm Bed and bottle - 6ozs best feed of day
She does wake at night, not hungry as have tried to feed, she just wants her dummy (the prop, but thats another issue)
Any thoughts or advice thanks sorry so long!