Hi, I have a 5mo whom I've just started solids with and he really LOVES his food. We are pretty much doing three meals a day of about half and ounce to an ounce of food. We started doing the DF when we started on EASY, now that we are on solids, i have noticed that for one thing he is starting to take less and less milk at his dreamfeedings. Whereas he would take around 5oz, he now has taken 2oz three nights in a row. He takes an average of 20-25oz milk during the day including the DF - but lately has been extremely frustrating with his starting to take only 2oz here and 4oz there - i have read that loads of other mums are experiencing the same sort of probs with lo's around this age so i'm just sticking with it and hope that he outgrows it.
Sorry, getting sidetracked here - should i drop this df if he's only taking a small amount now?
any advice appreciated, thanks