my DD2 has always woken for a night feed, usually around midnight, and gone back to sleep immediately. She moved in with her older sister about a month ago and everything was going great. Now she has been waking up, only wanting a few ounces, and then not settling back to sleep with dummy. Then she starts babbling, shrieking at a deafening volume so the first time i took her into the living room to avoid her waking DD1. i changed the nappy, pretty much ignored her to make it as boring as possible and put her back to bed after about half and hour. Now for a few nights in a row she has woken up, and started this attention seeking behaviour, making loads of noise. i have tried persevering with her in the bedroom, but it woke up the older one, and then i had two to get back to sleep. sometime she has a dirty nappy so i guess there is nothing you can do about that one.
So i feel she is now expecting to be taken out of the bedroom for some fun in the middle of the night. I really dont know what to do.
Her naps have been much shorter the last few days also, perhaps this has caused the erratic sleeping. In fact, she was so tired tonight she didnt even drink her bottle before bed. She just slept at 6.30pm, and i guess she will wake up soon for her milk. Today, she napped for 1 hr am, and only about half an hour in the afternoon. i couldnt believe how long she was awake - it was from about 11am till 3pm ish. i ended up putting both girls into the car just to get her to sleep, and sure enough she closed her eyes as soon as the engine started.
i think she is teething, which adds to it. Can the six month growth spurt affect things also?
any advice would be appreciated.