(and Hi, there aleesa!
I know a lot of people don't like TV for lo's, but I SWEAR, sometimes it calms my spirited lo
!! Someone once suggested something called "Calm Baby"--I got mine off the net. (Amazon, I think) It's just lullabies and songs about rain and such. Scenes are all about water. It's a very amateur looking video--but lo loves it
I don't use it for a wind down or anything and never more than 15 minutes at a time, and Aleesa's right, we really shouldn't be popping them in front of the TV before a nap (her wind down sounds perfect!
) But, there are DEFINATELY days where I need 15 minutes to collect myself BEFORE the wind down (a healthy mum = a healthy baby, I look at it as....
), especially if there has been problems getting lo down. That video, really helped me. I talk to him during it and sit with him, so it's not like I plopped and ran, ya know??
HTH!! Good luck!!