Author Topic: 7 - 8 mth old gags & vomits on 2nd stage foods and on tiny lumps !  (Read 1516 times)

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7 - 8 mth old gags & vomits on 2nd stage foods and on tiny lumps !
« on: September 14, 2007, 19:25:09 pm »
My little boy was eating fine until I tried him on next stage food jars that say from 7mths.  I was shocked to see how large the bits were ! whole peas and chopped up pasta and quite hard rice grains (not soft when I tried to mash it with a fork !)  Tried it mashed up with a fork so there were only tiny lumps - but he gaged really bad and ended up vomiting.

So I now have a cupboard full of 2nd stage foods that he hates !  I have resorted to having to puree it in a blender and also pureeing homemade foods.  He also gagged on mash potatoes that I made up quite loose.  was sick again really bad.

I was starting to get worried he wasn't eating anything so have started giving him stage 1 foods again.  Every now and then I try him with some lumps in it and he gagged today and vomited everything he had eaten.

What should I do ?  I don't want to carry on feeding him pureed foods for long as I'm worried he will never get used to lumpy food and learn to chew. (which he does do with his food ! so he does know how to chew!)

Also should I try him on finder foods like baby biscuits ?

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Re: 7 - 8 mth old gags & vomits on 2nd stage foods and on tiny lumps !
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 20:27:50 pm »

First off gagging is quite normal, it's a healthy reflex that helps los not to choke, it can happen on liquids and any consistency of solid, and it seems that some los struggle to successfully move lumpy bits around in their mouths without gagging, and unfortunately this can lead to vomiting (not nice for anyone!) :-X

Check out this recent thread:

about the approach of transitioning from purees to finger food without the lumpy stage. The baby-led weaning sticky in the FAQ section is a good start point (it evidences that babies in control of the lumps in their mouths are less likely to gag/choke than those fed lumps on a spoon), and there is a support thread at the top of the main page for parents trying the approach, and a Finger Foods for Young Babies thread in the Recipes section for starter and more advanced ideas!

HTH? Do post again if you need any more support,

Alison x