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Touchy Pre-nap ?
« on: January 14, 2008, 15:55:00 pm »
Hi~  My DD is 5 months.  She is very much a touchy baby.  I have a few questions and would love to here your thoughts.  Some background: New to EASY, weaned from nursing to sleep in the past few days, improved nap length during the past week

1. How long does wind down before a nap typically take for a touchy baby?
2. Should I start it even before I see a sign of tiredness (it can take 45 minutes to get her relaxed enough to sleep)?  Now I am waiting for the 1st yawn and/or ear pull.
3.Does it make sense that naps are now harder to get to sleep than nighttime sleep?
4.  What are some ideas for wind down?
Thanks for your help and ideas!

Offline *Nicola*

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Re: Touchy Pre-nap ?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2008, 16:40:33 pm »
Hello  :D

Our first daughter was a Touchy Baby  :) you've gotta love a touchy!  ;)

First of all, a HUGE congratulations on your progress already!! We nursed Ciara to sleep until she was about 9 weeks and then weaned.  It is *such* a huge relief to know sleep can come without feeding isn't it!

1. How long does wind down before a nap typically take for a touchy baby?

I'm unsure how long it typically takes, but I know that with our DD it got shorter as she got older.  I think the key is to have something very consistent.  What we did as we were trying things out was to head to her room for quiet time about 25 mins before sleep time.  We would do quiet songs, stories, cuddles etc until I seen the sleepy signs and then we were in the right place, mood etc for wind down.  So initially, just being in the room was part of the wind down if that makes sense. Might help you to do this at the start as you figure things out.  As she got older and became more accustomed to naps we just took her to room, closed curtains, swaddle, noise machine on and into bed. 

2. Should I start it even before I see a sign of tiredness (it can take 45 minutes to get her relaxed enough to sleep)?  Now I am waiting for the 1st yawn and/or ear pull.

Yup definitely.  Same as above.  Be totally ready for the wind down as if you miss that window then you are facing a meltdown with a touchy baby. At the start we would be in room doing relaxing things at this time so as soon as i seen yawn it was wind down time and she was already relaxed etc

3.Does it make sense that naps are now harder to get to sleep than nighttime sleep?

Do you mean that you are now working on naps and that night sleep is fine?  If so that is typical.  Babies work on night sleep between 0-3 months and day sleep between 3-6 months.

4.  What are some ideas for wind down?

Have a look at this link ...  4 S  Wind Down

I think that with time you will suss out what works well for your DD regarding wind down.  Be prepared to adjust and re-adjust as you find out what works best for her.  And remember that just when you think you have it down to pat .. she will change things about  ;) :)

HTH  :-* :-*

Mummy to 2 beautiful kiddies. 

A baby is born from the dreams of your heart, and becomes the love of your life.

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Re: Touchy Pre-nap ?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 17:43:00 pm »

Thanks so much for the reply.  Thanks for the tip about being in the room already.  I feel like I've spent my whole weekend plus in her room, but I'm sure it is just for this time.  Her sleep window does seem very small.  I guess that is characteristic of a touchy?  And yes, I wouldn't want her to be anything but touchy--she is wonderful, but keeps me on my toes (and only 5 months)!! 

You mentioned the sound machine.  We have one for our DD and it seems to help her block out a lot of stimulation.  How long did you use it or do you still? 

Thanks your reply really helped~

Offline *Nicola*

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Re: Touchy Pre-nap ?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 19:39:28 pm »
Ciara's sleep window was really small too, which is why it helped us to be in the room until we had things sussed out.  Otherwise she would be overstimulated etc and naps would be a meltdown if I missed the times.   

I really can't remember how long we used the noise machine for Ciara but I think probably until she was about 12 months or so when we replaced it with a lullaby machine which played for 10 mins and then switched off.  I think we had both for a period  ;).  She is 4.5 now and has passed it on to her little baby sister who is 12 weeks and also loves it!!  She is more of an angel baby so doesn't really get OS but the noise is a great signal that it is nap/sleep time so we use it with her too as part of our wind down routine. 

Once you get a good wind down going then naps happen much easier.  Give it a couple of weeks and you will really begin to see the difference  :)

Mummy to 2 beautiful kiddies. 

A baby is born from the dreams of your heart, and becomes the love of your life.