Hi Wendy, yes I am nursing. We have no latch issues though, and I actually have oversupply.
Hugh does pop on and off during some feeds though. He won't stay on if he has to be burped (some feeds this is very often!). He won't stay on properly if I feed him before he tells me he is hungry. And he comes off at every let down at least once because my let down is very strong and fast, and sometimes I even choke him with the fast flow.
Here is a link that Emma sent me (samuels mum) that might help you with your latch issues. Also have you had a midwife or lactation consultant come and check it out and give you any advice?
http://www.breastfeedingonline.com/newman.shtmlAlso, my DD was very small also when she was born and I found that she needed help to support the breast (I am big breasted) as it was too heavy and her suck wasn't strong enough. I found the football hold much better for her as she was tucked kind of under the breast, so that took the weight of the breast, she fed much much better in that hold.
In that hold, you have baby lying on their back, body tucked under your armpit on the side you are feeding, feet first. You can support their back with your forearm, and their head is cupped in your hand, and you bring them to the breast in that position. If I haven't explained this well, please let me know, and I will try to explain again, and find you a link to something to try to show you.
If it helps you understand better, this is also the position used for tandem feeding for twins.