Author Topic: Just a quick question! 2 years 4 months - no nap today....  (Read 711 times)

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Just a quick question! 2 years 4 months - no nap today....
« on: September 27, 2007, 13:38:31 pm »
So its almost time to go an get Jake from school and Harveys had no nap!! He may well dose off on the way there although he might not seeing as its only a 5 minute journey!! So what to do?? Shall I put him to bed an hour earlier?? Should I let him nap this afternoon knowing that its WAY to late and he'll be up all evening??

He had a really good night, slept 12 hours (Which is good for him BTW!!) so he's not as tired as he would be but hes looking a little sleepy now!

Hes never gone without a nap before so Im not sure what to do.... If he sleeps on the way to school and back should I wake him when he gets back? I know he'll be super grumpy if I do but I also know if he has a nap this late he WILL be up all evening!!

Any ideas?? :-* :-*

Offline franchick

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Re: Just a quick question! 2 years 4 months - no nap today....
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 13:46:23 pm »
Hi - well our DD is 27 months old and this happens to us all the time - hee hee! We are experts at lifting Katie out of her car seat, up the stairs and putting her in her bed.

What I would do is not specifically offer him a nap if he doesn't sleep on the way there and back - but keep asking him if he needs a little sleep - if he says yes, maybe you could let him have a quick nap on the couch and wake him after half an hour (before he goes into a deep sleep).

Or, if he falls asleep in the car, either try lifting him into the house still asleep or sitting with him in the car, again for a short nap of no more than half an hour (many a time I have made a cup of tea and brought a book out to read in the car - you could let Jake bring something to read or play with quietly too).

Or, you could just wake him up after a 10 - 15 min catnap in the car and live with a slightly grumpy Harvey for the rest of the day and put him to bed a bit earlier (an hour would be about right).

12 hours sleep overnight would also be a very good sleep for our LO so I would now never worry if she didn't have a nap on those days.

If Harvey does fall asleep mid-play at, say, 4pm (quite possible), you might find it hard to rowse him from his nap and he may be very, very grumpy. What I do in these circumstances is have some food ready early to give as soon as possible after such a late 'catnap', have a quick bath, jammies on and then bed-time routine, by which stage a second wind has probably fallen on the LO!! LOL

Anyway, whatever you decide to do - I hope it works out.