My lo is 8 mos old. He started STTN at 7 months. He is a recovering short napper and around the same time, his morning nap started to lengthen. His pm nap was still hit and miss but he would go to bed early on days when it was short. This all seemed to be working.
And then a week ago, he got a cold. The first night he slept fine. The next three nights, we had early mornings (5:45, 5:15, 4:45). He went back to sleep on the 2nd and 3rd morning after nursing but not on the first.
Then we had 2 nights of NW (2:15 & 2:45). We have since had another early waking and return to sleep and another night waking 3:15. I have nursed him each time. His naps were also wonky but I think are getting better.
He is much improved with his cold and now I am wondering if he is truly hungry since he is up at all different times or if this is a habit? He was going to bed independently prior to his cold but since he got sick, we rocked him to sleep. I am just wondering how long to let this go on!!!
To top it off, we are flying east tomorrow (total travel time 8 hours) for a 3 hour time difference. So many adjustments!
Because I know someone will ask, his ideal schedule is as follows:
bf 7
e 8
s 10:15
bf 11:30
e 12:30
s between 2:30 & 3
bf 3:30
e 5
bf & bed 7ish
Thanks for your help!