Yeah - you will just have to stuff his little tummy full with all sorts of yummy things!
I always feel a little wistful when I hear of someone who has cracked getting their LO to sleep really well, but ultimately that is down to the mummy and daddy and LO working together and is a cause for celebration, not abuse!!
I have been 'planning' on GW for, like, forever (we used PU/PD successfully when LO was 8 months old, but never went back after she had a cold...), but Katie is old enough and strong enough to cuddle me in a vice like grip, so it is really hard for me to back away from the bed, iykwim! LOL. So, I have decided just to stay with her till she grows out of it in, say, 5 years or so - hahahha! We get one NW many nights, but I usually end up in her bed not even knowing how I got there, so it is really hard for me to break the habit - in fact, I think it would be harder for me than for Katie.
My 'new' plan is to just keep talking to her from time to time about how nice it is when we all get a really good night's sleep without wakiing each other up and how great we feel in the morning etc etc till it sinks in. I actually relish the putting to bed part of our evening now as we seem to have sorted a wind down that really works for both of us - I think other people think we are crazy, but I don't really care.
The funny thing is, I know she can do this all herself because she does at nursery for her nap and sometimes at her aunty's or grandma's too. But I just don't want to give up those oh-so-tight cuddles.
Anyway, mega congrats again and let me know how the next few days go.
Sorry for blethering on...