Hello All! It's been a while since I posted, but I've loved reading the adventures of all of your little ones!
Pauline- we've been doing BLW for almost two months, but I think it took at least a month before I felt Corinne was REALLY eating. She played with and licked her food for a while, and then one day she just started chewing. Alice will figure it out when she's ready (and hungry!), as everyone has said. And I agree, it's so much more fun to go against convention!
I think all of the comments many of you are getting from your HVs (I don't know what that stand for, but I assume it's the equivalent of a Dr.?) are interesting. Our pediatrician hasn't even had a conversation with me about feeding solids except to ask if we've started them. I told her that we are doing BLW, she said she has never heard of it and left it at that. Not sure if I should be happy about that, or look for a new pediatrician!
Corinne has been eating like a champ, but gave me quite a scare yesterday. I've relaxed a bit about choking because she seems to chew really well, but not yesterday when eating a plum. I looked down for a second (of course at the computer!) and when I looked back at her she was turning purple and choking. After a few slaps to the back, the plum flew out and hit the floor. So scary...but a reminder to watch her closely. Since that meal, she seems to be gagging a lot more. Has anyone else experienced a regressions in chewing abilities? Seems like a silly question, but maybe she's getting a little too confindent and eating too quickly?