Just wanted some advise really as little confused. When they say 6 months do they mean 24 weeks or calender months? Stupid question i know?
Also, Started weaning early at around 19 weeks with baby rice at first, is going well and LO seems to enjoy fruits and veggie purees. She is now 23 weeks. However she has always been fussy with milk and struggles after 4 oz at a feed now. Here is our schedule
7am 5-6 oz formula, always a struggle
8am few 6 spoons rice and fruit puree
11am 4-7 oz formula, again a bit of a struggle
11.45 8 -10 spoons fruit or veg puree
3pm 5-7 oz formula sometimes a struggle
5.30 pm half-whole jar veg puree
7pm 8 oz formula sometimes ravenous other times fussy
11pm 3 oz formula dreamfeed (recently cut from 7 oz by us to encourage brekkie)
My question is am i feeding her too much? she seems to like most solids but never really seems very hungry, i have tried different schedules, i.e half milk then solids but she flat out refuses the rest of the bottle after. I think i need bigger gaps to make her hungry but am worried that she will not take big enough feeds in one go if i drop a bottle. I was thinking about maybe dropping a bottle and then introducing a yogurt or some diary to keep up the calories but worry she is too young.
I am very nervous about her dropping milk feeds due to probs we had early on, but am also worried that i am pushing her to drink all the time.
Any suggestions would be appreciated