Bella slept well again last night. Woke up at 11 p.m. screaming with a bad tummy ache. Biomom fed her but swore it was all good stuff and no dairy. But, she threw a fit when I told her we switched to rice milk.
So the screaming lasted 20 mins. typical, arching back, inconsolable, etc. I gave her some Mylicon drops and that seemed to help. At least I think so. She woke up in a good mood - playing in bed again. This a.m. she slept for 2 hrs. during am. nap & 45 mins. in p.m. nap. Eating solids have been increased and amt. being drank a little less. She's had the best 2 days at school and seems so happy.
Once again making me happy. She ate 3 fish stix for dinner tonite. I'm having trouble getting her to eat veggies, tho. She went to bed at about 7:30 p.m. and has been asleep for 2 hrs. no waking so far. I know she will but things seem so much better and I'm picking up on her cues much better so.........fingers crossed things continue going well. I think getting her onto the rice milk will help a lot! Thanks again, Ladies. I'll keep you posted. Wendee