haven't needed to post on here for ages as things were going pretty smoothly. For the last few months Millie has been waking at 6-6.30 which i can cope with! Then nap 1 at 9-9.30 for 40-60 mins then nap 2 at 1.30-2.00 for 1-1.5 hrs and bedtime at 7pm. She goes to sleep independently for naps and bedtime. She has been teething on and off for the last month (molars, eeeek!) so we've had some nigth wakes and sleep hiccups (few buggy naps), but generally its been okay. This last week however she is waking at 5, 5.30 or even 4.30 one day - aaagh!! I always leave her for a bit but she's not resettling. This morning was 5am and when i did get her up she promptly fell back asleep on top of me in the lounge for 40 mins -
. Her naps seem to be getting longer in the morning and shorter in the afternoon too. An average day over the last week is starting to look like this:
5.30am wake
9.00am nap - 1 - 1.5 hrs
12.00 lunch
1.30 nap - 40-45 mins
5.00 tea
6.30 bath then bottle of milk and bed and asleep by 7pm
Getting up in the pitch black with a grumpy baby at 5am is not fun!! Do you think that she's ready to start dropping the morning nap? Should i cut it short? Is it just teething??
Waaah! Any help appreciated before i have to start sleep training myself (was so pooped last night that i couldn't sleep)!!!
emma xxx