Author Topic: Gas inducing foods  (Read 2081 times)

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Offline bethanys mummy

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Gas inducing foods
« on: October 14, 2007, 21:38:46 pm »

my lo (was ebf) has always had wind / gas issues. Never pointed the cause (tried soooo hard) - allergies or whatever or just "immature gut". Anyway things are getting slightly better now she is on solids - although she does get worse when constipated so am trying to introduce laxative foods (less rice cereal, more pear, peach, mango) but not too many - but also has normal foods eg today chicken dish with peach and pasta

The last few days she has been more windy than usual and I am trying to work out why - diet has just been above

As usual I may never find out why but I was wondering if there was any list of gassy foods (or "safe" foods if looking at it the other way) I could refer to


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Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: Gas inducing foods
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2007, 20:54:02 pm »
Over the last 6 months or so there have been a couple of posts on this topic, and the concensus of opinion is that each baby is unique, and so is their digestive system's response to solid foods - unhelpfully, this means that what makes one baby gassy doesn't affect another, so I don't think anyone can give you a definitive answer :-\

The best I can suggest is that you keep a list of the foods that you find make dd gassy, and if the gas is a problem (eg makes her uncomfortable, or affects her sleep/appetite), eliminate these foods for a couple of months before reintroducing them one at a time to see if the problem persists!

Sorry I can't be more specific, hope this helps a bit?

Alison x